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Comment on dashboards

Add comments to your dashboard to provide context for the charts or solicit feedback or requests.

View dashboard comments

To view the comments for a dashboard, select Comments from the dashboard’s sidebar. This opens the dashboard comments panel. New comments are highlighted with a blue dot.

Did you know you can also leave chart-level comments? Opening the dashboard comments also displays the number of chart comments for any charts that have comments.

Add a dashboard comment

Anyone with access to the dashboard can create new comments and view existing ones.

To add a new comment to the dashboard:

  1. Select Comments from the dashboard’s sidebar to open the dashboard comments panel.

  2. Type your comment into the text field.

  3. Select Reply to post it.

People who need to see the comment will receive notifications. Learn more about who receives comment notifications.

Tag users in a comment

Mention/tag anyone with access to the dashboard in your dashboard comments.

To tag someone in a comment:

  1. Type @ or +. You’ll see the list of people you can tag.

  2. Search for the name of the specific person or group that you want to tag.

Edit or delete a comment

To edit or delete a dashboard comment:

  1. Select More actions () for the dashboard comment.

  2. Select Edit or Delete, respectively.

Only the comment author can edit their comments. However, comment authors aren’t the only ones who can delete their comments; people who can manage the dashboard can delete any dashboard comments on the dashboard.

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