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Chart types

By default, Atlassian Analytics displays your chart’s data as a table chart (if you’re not using auto chart type). This lets you keep working on your query and preview your full data before selecting a chart type.

Auto-select chart type

Because it isn’t always immediately obvious which chart type would provide the best visualization of your data, Atlassian Analytics is able to automatically select a chart type that best fits the format of your data.

To take advantage of this auto-select feature:

  1. Query your data from your various data sources.

  2. Combine and manipulate the results with other Visual SQL steps, as usual.

  3. Select Auto from the list of chart types next to the chart preview. You can select this at any time, regardless of whether you’ve already manually chosen a chart type or not.

Auto button in the list of chart types

Incompatible chart types

Chart types that are grayed out are incompatible with the current format of your data. You can still select a grayed out chart type and you’ll get more information about the data format required for that chart type. You can then continue to aggregate or manipulate (for example, reorder, hide, pivot, or combine your columns) to match that required format.


An area chart can add depth to your line chart, especially multidimensional data. Convert it to a percentage area chart to help magnify relative differences. Learn more about customizing chart settings for area charts.

Required data format for area charts

To use an area chart, the final result set must:

  • Have at least two columns

  • Meet one of these requirements:

    • Contain only numeric values in the second through the last column

    • Contain only numeric values in the third column (if there are exactly three columns)

Sample table format:


Count of users

Count of views








Bar charts are mainly used to visualize discontinuous (or discrete) data or to show the relationship between a part to a whole. For data with multiple series, you can display that data as a stacked bar chart, grouped bar chart, or percent bar chart. Learn more about customizing settings for bar charts.

Plotting dates on a bar chart

Unlike charts meant to show continuous data, such as line and scatter plot charts, bar charts don’t sort dates or fill in missing date values. This is because bar charts are generally used to display discrete data points. When using a bar chart, use a “Sort rows” step or “Zero fill” step as needed to format your data.

Required data format for bar charts

To use a bar chart, the final result set must:

  • Have at least two columns

  • Meet one of these requirements:

    • Contain only numeric values in the second through the last column

    • Contain only numeric values in the third column (if there are exactly three columns)

Sample table format:


Count of users

Count of views







Bar line

Bar line charts use a bar and a line to visualize a result set with both a continuous and a categorical metric. They can be especially handy for comparing values against a goal line or comparing a group of values against an average.

Bar line charts have a dual y-axis by default, where all bars share the left y-axis and all lines share the right y-axis. You can switch to a single y-axis by updating its chart settings.

The first column in your query results maps to the x-axis, and the last column maps to the line. Any columns in between will map to one or more bars. If you need more than one line in your bar chart, change the value for Last X columns as lines in the chart settings. Learn more about customizing chart settings for bar line charts.

Required data format for bar line charts

To use a bar line chart, the final result set must:

  • Have at least three columns

  • Meet one of these requirements:

    • Contain only numeric values in the second through the last column

    • Contain only numeric values in the third column (if there are exactly three columns)

Sample table format:


Temperature (F)

Rainfall (inches)








Box plot

Box plot charts are useful for visualizing the distribution of data based on the following five groupings: lower quartile, upper quartile, minimum, maximum, and median. They are similar to histograms but are usually better for showing several simultaneous comparisons such as data grouped by month, etc.

Learn more about customizing chart settings for box plot charts.

Required data format for box plot charts

To use a box plot chart, the final result set must:

  • Have one or two columns

  • Contain only numeric values in the second column

Sample table format:










Bubble charts are similar to scatter plot charts but they support three value series instead of two.

Learn more about customizing chart settings for bubble charts.

Required data format for bubble charts

To use a bubble chart, the final result set must:

  • Have three, four, or five columns

    • The first column maps to the x-axis.

    • The second column maps to the y-axis.

    • The third column contains values that change the bubble radius.

    • The fourth column is optional and contains categories to group the bubbles with separate colors.

    • The fifth column is optional and contains extra information you might want to include in the tooltips.

  • Contain only numeric values in the second and third columns

  • Not contain negative values in the third column

  • Not contain null values in the third column

If you have five columns, the first column must contain only dates or only numeric values.

Sample table format:


Height (ft)

Weight (lbs)














Bubble map

Bubble map charts are similar to bubble plots and scatter plots but they require latitude and longitude values. You can select one of the available map options: US, Europe, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, and World. Learn more about customizing chart settings for bubble map charts.

Required data format for bubble map charts

To use a bubble map chart, the final result set must:

  • Have three, four, or five columns

    • The first column contains labels (for example, the name of the location).

    • The second column contains latitudes.

    • The third column contains longitudes.

    • The fourth column is optional and contains values that change the bubble radius.

    • The fifth column is optional and contains categories to group the bubbles with separate colors.

  • Contain only numeric values in the second through fourth columns

  • Contain values between -90 and 90 in the second column

  • Contain values between -180 and 180 in the third column

  • Not contain null values in the second and third columns

  • Not contain negative values in the fourth column

If there are multiple rows for the same location, the tooltip shown when hovering over that location on the chart will display the last value for that location listed in the result set. To show the minimum or maximum value of each location in the tooltip, sort the values in the result set in descending or ascending order, respectively. You can either sort in the query or use the “Sort rows” step.

Sample table format:










Group 1

Abu Dhabi




Group 2



Bullet charts are ideal for displaying single values within some quantitative context, such as a goal value. You can define a maximum of three quantitative ranges in your chart settings. Learn more about customizing chart settings for bullet charts.

Required data format for bullet charts

To use a bullet chart, the final result set must have:

  • Exactly one column and one row

  • A numeric value

Sample table format:





Funnel charts are often used to visualize optimizations, specifically to see which stages most affect drop-off. Visualizing the drop-offs helps to show the severity and importance of each stage.

Learn more about customizing chart settings for funnel charts.

Required data format for funnel charts

To use a funnel chart, the final result set must:

  • Have exactly two columns

  • Contain non-negative, numeric values in the second column

  • Not contain null values

Sample table format:



Free Trial







Heat map

Heat map charts display quantitative data as variations in color. Representing values as colors provides slightly less precision but can allow you to display more data in a smaller area.

Learn more about customizing chart settings for heat map charts.

Required data format for heat map charts

To use a heat map chart, the final result set must:

  • Have exactly three columns

  • Contain only numeric values in the third column

Sample table format:




San Francisco






San Francisco





Line charts are particularly powerful for conveying changes over time. Generally, line charts should be used to connect data along a continuous range of quantitative values that are divided into equal intervals (for example, time).

Learn more about customizing chart settings for line charts.

Required data format for line charts

To use a line chart, the final result set must:

  • Have at least two columns

  • Meet one of these requirements:

    • Contain only numeric values in the second through the last column

    • Contain only numeric values in the third column (if there are exactly three columns)

Sample table format:


Count of users

Count of views









Map charts are great for visualizing location data. Atlassian Analytics automatically selects the map based on your data, but you can select a different map type in the chart settings. Learn more about customizing chart settings for map charts.

Required data format for map charts

To use a map chart, the final result set must:

  • Have exactly two columns

  • Contain only text values in the first column; they must be a location in a recognized format

  • Contain only non-negative, numeric values in the second column

  • Not contain null values

Sample table format:









Pie charts can be effective in showing the contributions of data segments as a percentage of a whole. You can display your pie chart as a donut chart, and show the total value in the center of that donut chart. Learn more about customizing chart settings for pie charts.

Required data format for pie charts

To use a pie chart, the final result set must:

  • Have exactly two columns

  • Contain only non-negative, numeric values in the second column

  • Not contain null values

Sample table format:

Visitor type


New visitor


Returning visitor



Scatter plot

Scatter plots charts are typically used to find the relationship between two variables, often quantities. Add a line of best fit to see how the data points in the relate to each other. Learn more about customizing chart settings for scatter plot charts.

Required data format for scatter plot charts

To use a scatter plot chart, the final result set must:

  • Have at least two columns

  • Meet one of these requirements:

    • Contain only numeric values in the second through the last column

    • Contain only numeric values in the third column (if there are exactly three columns)

Sample table format:


Height (ft)






Single value

A single value chart displays one value of any data type.

Learn more about customizing chart settings for single value charts.

Required data format for single value charts

To use a singe value chart, the final result set must have exactly one column with one row.

Sample table format:




Single value indicator

The single value indicator chart is similar to the single value chart, except it allows you to compare your single value against another value. It shows an up or down arrow next to the single value and the percent change based on the comparison value.

You can change the colors of the up and down arrows in the chart settings. Learn more about customizing chart settings for single value indicator charts.

Required data format for single value indicator charts

To use a single value indicator chart, the final result set must:

  • Have exactly two columns and one row

  • Contain only a numeric value in both columns

The chart displays the value in the first column and compares that values against the value in the second column.

If your values are in separate result sets, use Cross join as the merge type.

Sample table format:

Revenue this month

Revenue last month





Table charts show the data returned from your data source in a mostly raw format. They can display up to 1,000 columns.

Table charts automatically format URLs as hyperlinks.

There are also plenty of customizations you can apply. Learn more about customizing chart settings for table charts.

Required data format for table charts

No restrictions!


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