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“Adoption” dashboard template

This dashboard helps you understand how your team is using Confluence, in terms of both total work and how things are trending. Filters can be used to drill down from all work across your Confluence site to individual spaces.

Controls on the dashboard

By default, the charts show you all work across your Confluence site, but you can use the following controls to configure the dashboard:

Current date interval

“Calendar” control to filter charts to display data relating to content created during the selected date range.

Space name

“Dropdown” control to specify the spaces that this dashboard should focus on.

Space type

“Dropdown” control to specify the space types that this dashboard should focus on.

Comparative date interval

“Calendar” control used to compare content creation metrics between the selected date range and the date range from the Current date interval control.

Date interval type

“Date bucket” control to change the date groupings of the “…by space type” charts.

Space name

“Text input” control that lets you filter the “Space details” chart by partial matches for space names.

Charts on the dashboard

Quick overview

Total active spaces

The total number of currently active spaces

Total active pages

The total number of currently active pages

Total active blog posts

The total number of currently active blog posts

Total comments

The total number of currently active comments

Detailed analysis

Pages created

The total number of pages that your team has created over the last 30 days, and how it compares to the number of pages created over the previous 30-day period

Pages created by space type

The daily trends of the number of pages in global and personal spaces that your team has created

Blog posts created

The total number of blog posts that your team has created over the last 30 days, and how it compares to the number of blog posts created over the previous 30-day period

Blog posts created by space type

The daily trends of the number of blog posts in global and personal spaces that your team has created

Comments created

The total number of comments that your team has created over the last 30 days, and how it compares to the number of comments created over the previous 30-day period

Comments created by space type

The daily trends of the number of comments in global and personal spaces that your team has created

Space details

The total amount of work that’s been done in each of your spaces. Quickly take action on the data by selecting the space’s name in the table.

You can filter by partial matches for space names using the “Text input” control labeled Space name that’s directly above this chart.

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