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“Change management overview” dashboard template

This dashboard gives your team an overview of the metrics required to track the performance of their change process, including failure rate and lead time. Use this dashboard to monitor trends in change request resolution over time across different change request risks, types, and services.

Open changes

The number of open Jira Service Management changes created in the selected date interval compared to the comparative date interval

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” controls labeled “Current date interval” and “Comparative date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

Changes waiting for authorization

The number of open Jira Service Management changes in authorize status created in the selected date interval compared to the comparative date interval

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” controls labeled “Current date interval” and “Comparative date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

Changes by type

The number of Jira Service Management changes created during the selected date interval, grouped by change type

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

Changes by risk

The number of Jira Service Management changes created during the selected date interval, grouped by change risk

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

Change failure rate

The change failure rate, grouped by change type

Change failure rate is the number of changes with a “Failed” status divided by the total number of changes, multiplied by 100.

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

Change lead time

The average change lead time in days, grouped by change risk

Change lead time is the average time between when a change request is created and when it is transitioned to “Completed” status.

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

Changes by risk and type

The number of changes created during the time interval, grouped by change type and change risk

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

Time in status

The average time that changes spend in each status for changes created during the current time interval.

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

You can also use the “Date bucket” control to change how the average times are calculated.

Change details

Shows the following details for each change that matches the filter criteria:

  • Issue key

  • Summary

  • Change type

  • Change risk

  • Assignee account ID

  • Created date

  • Hours to resolution

You can filter this chart by the “Calendar” control labeled “Current date interval”, project, change type, change risk, and affected services.

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