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“Simple project overview” dashboard template

This dashboard aims to provide further insight into productivity by focusing primarily on open versus closed issues rather than overall team productivity. This dashboard can be filtered by Jira project name and assignee, and it allows you to see insights such as the average age of issues and the risk that these issues are at.

Controls on the dashboard

Current date interval

“Calendar” control to filter all charts for data relevant to the selected date range.

Project name

“Dropdown” control to filter data relating to specific projects.


“Dropdown” control to filter data relating to specific issue assignees.

Charts on the dashboard

This dashboard contains the following charts:

Issues created vs issues resolved

Shows the number of issues created and resolved by day in the selected date interval

Created vs resolved issues over time

Shows the number of issues created and resolved by month

Total issues created and resolved are running totals.

Days to resolution

Shows the data distribution of days to resolution for the following issues types: bug, story, and task

Project progress

Shows the number of issues by issue status

Average issue age

Shows the average issue age by issue type and then by priority

Risk by status and priority

Shows the number of issues by issue status and priority

Issue details

Shows the following details for each issue that matches the filter criteria:

  • Issue key

  • Summary

  • Project

  • Status

  • Issue type

  • Created date

  • Resolution date

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