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Single value chart settings


Chart title

The title of your chart

Title font size

The font size of your chart title

The minimum value is 8.

Font size

The font size of the value

Decimal precision

If the value is numeric, select the number of decimal places to show:

  • 0 - Round to the nearest whole number

  • 0.0 - One decimal place

  • 0.00 - Two decimal places

  • 0.000 - Three decimal places

Number formatting

If the value is numeric, select how the number is displayed:

  • 1,000.00

  • 1000.00

  • 1 000,00

  • 1000,00

Pre text

Prepends text to the beginning of the value

For example, if you want to show the value as a dollar amount, you could enter $ in this field.

It uses the same Font size as the value.

Pre text superscript

Changes the Pre text into a superscript

Post text

Appends text to the end of the value

This could be useful for showing the value’s unit of measure (for example, users).

It uses the same Font size as the value.

Post text superscript

Changes the Post text into a superscript

Chart description

Provide a chart description to show beneath the value

Wrap chart description

Wraps the chart description if it’s longer than the size of the chart

Otherwise, the chart description is truncated, and you’ll need to expand the chart the full length of the chart description to read the entire text.

Show border

Shows a visible border around the chart. This border will create a separation between the chart and dashboard elements that surround it.


Text color

The text color of the value

Background color

The background color of your chart

By default, it uses the background color of the dashboard theme. Selecting another color overrides the background color of the dashboard theme.


Later conditional rules can override earlier ones. If a column value fits multiple rules, the later rule will be applied.

Select Add new conditional rule to apply formatting to the value when the condition is met.

The following settings will appear:

Select condition

The condition to check for

The options vary based on the value’s data type.

For any data type:

  • Is null

  • Is not null

String-specific condition options:

  • Text contains

  • Text does not contain

  • Text starts with

  • Text ends with

  • Text is exactly

Number-specific condition options:

  • Is greater than

  • Is greater than or equal

  • Is less than

  • Is less than or equal

  • Is equal

  • Is not equal

  • Is between

  • Is not between

Datetime-specific condition options:

  • Date is

  • Date before

  • Date after


Available when the value is a string and you select a string-specific condition

The text to compare against the chart value


Available when the value is a number and you select a number-specific condition

The number to compare against the chart value

If you select the Is between or Is not between condition, there are two Number fields.


Available when the value is a datetime and you select a date-specific condition

The date to compare against the chart value

Make sure to use the appropriate datetime format.

Text style

The color to set the value when the specified condition is true


Use this chart as a variable control by selecting a dashboard and connecting other variable controls to it. Learn more about how to set up drilldowns for a chart.

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