"Single sprint overview" dashboard template
This dashboard gives an overview of Jira sprints including issues completed, issues remaining, changes in sprint scope, issue status transitions, and issues per assignee. Issues completed, issues remaining, scope change, and issue status and assignee charts can display either the count of issues or the sum of story points based on the View type filter selection. As issue is considered completed when it transitions to any one of the statuses selected in the Done statuses filter. If no selection is made in this filter, then an issue is considered completed if it transitions to any status in the Done status category. Issues that were completed before the start of the sprint are also included in the completed issues count.
The entire dashboard can be filtered by the site URL of the Jira instance, sprint name, Done statuses, view type (issue count or story points), and issue type. This will allow for more efficient and effective monitoring of the project's progress.
This section contains the following charts:
Sprint start date
The start date of the sprint.
Sprint end date
For closed sprints, the provided date is the date on which the sprint ended. For active and future sprints, the date represents the projected end date of the sprint.
Sprint status
This section displays the current status of the sprint, which can be either closed, active, or future
Completed (issue count or story points)
This chart displays the number of completed issues or the sum total of story points for completed issues (This depends on the View type filter selection). An issue is considered complete if it moves to the Done status category.
Remaining (issue count or story points)
This chart displays the number of remaining issues or the sum total of story points for remaining issues (This depends on the View type filter selection). An issue is considered pending if it is in the To Do or In Progress status category.
Scope change (issue count or story points)
This chart displays the change in sprint scope after the sprint has started. The values displayed can either be the net count of issues added or net story points added (This depends on the View type filter selection).
This section contains the following charts:
Completed and remaining issues (issue count or story points)
The chart shows the cumulative total of completed issues and remaining issues at the end of the day, as shown on the x-axis. If an issue had multiple status transitions during a particular day, then the last status is considered for the calculations. An issue is considered complete if it transitions to one of the statuses selected in the Done statuses filter. If no selection is made in this filter, an issue will be considered completed if it transitions to any status in the "Done" status category.
Depending on the View type filter selection, the chart displays either the count of issues or the sum of story points.
Sprint scope change (issue count or story points)
This chart displays the changes in scope (issues added and removed) after the sprint has started. It shows the scope added, scope removed, and the net change in scope. Depending on the View type filter selection, the chart displays either the count of issues or the sum of story points.
Count of issue status transitions during sprint
This heatmap displays the count of transitions from one status to another during the sprint.
Count of issue status by assignee
This bar chart displays the count of issues by issue status and assignee. Depending on the View type filter selection, the chart displays either the count of issues or the sum of story points.
Remaining issues details (sorted by issue age)
This table displays details of the remaining issues in the sprint. By default, the rows are sorted in descending order of issue age.
Sprint actions and issue status changes
This table displays detailed data for sprint actions (issues added or removed from a sprint) and issue status transitions. It includes events that happened both during and prior to the start of the sprint.
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