"Multiple sprints overview" dashboard template
This dashboard gives an overview of multiple sprints that include metrics such as committed and completed issues, issues being carried over from one sprint to another, sprint scope changes, and workload per assignee. The data shown in the charts can display either the count of issues, story points, actual time spent on the issues or time estimates, depending on the Measurement type filter selection. For actual time spent on the issues and time estimates, the values are converted to number of days. An issue is considered completed when it transitions to the Done status category. Issues completed before the start of the sprint are also included in the completed issues count. Epics and sub-tasks are excluded from the charts.
Controls on the dashboard
Use the following controls to configure the dashboard:
Site | “Dropdown” control to filter by specific sites. |
Projects | “Dropdown” controls to specify the software projects that this dashboard should focus on. |
Range of sprint start dates | “Calendar” control to filter charts to display data relating to sprints started within the selected date range. |
Measurement type | “Dropdown” control to change the units of measurement used throughout the dashboard. |
Issue types | “Dropdown” control to select specific issue types that you want this dashboard to focus on. If you reset this control, the charts will look at issues of all types. |
Labels | “Dropdown” control to select Jira issue labels. |
Assignees | “Dropdown” control to select Jira issue assignees. |
Sprints | “Dropdown” control to select sprints. |
You can filter all charts on the dashboard by the site URL of the Jira instance, software projects, sprint start dates, measurement type (issue count or story points), issue type, labels, assignees, and sprints.
The values shown in this section for Commitment, Completed, Sprint carryover and Scope change metrics are average per sprint, based on the Measurement type filter selection. This section contains the following charts:
Total sprints
The count of sprints shown in the dashboard.
Average commitment per sprint.
Average completed per sprint.
Completion rate
The completion rate per sprint is defined as Completed divided by Commitment for a sprint. This chart displays the average completion rates per sprint.
Sprint carryover
Sprint carryover per sprint is defined as the workload that is carried over from a previous sprint. This chart displays the average sprint carryover per sprint.
Sprint carryover %
Sprint carryover % per sprint is defined as Sprint carryover divided by Commitment for a sprint. This chart displays the average sprint carryover % per sprint.
Workload per assignee
This chart displays the average workload per assignee.
Average cycle time
This chart displays the average cycle time in days for issues completed in the sprints. The cycle time is only calculated for completed issues.
Average lead time
This chart displays the average lead time in days for issues completed in the sprints. The lead time is only calculated for completed issues.
Scope change
Sprint scope change is defined as the difference between Commitment and scope at the start of a sprint. This chart displays the average scope change per sprint.
Scope change %
Sprint scope change % is defined as the Scope change divided by the scope at the start of a sprint. This chart displays the average scope change % per sprint.
Overview of sprints
This section contains the following charts:
Commitment vs. completed
This chart shows the committed vs. completed work. Issues are considered complete if they transition to the Done status category. It also shows the completion rate which is completed work divided by committed work.
New vs. carryover
This chart shows issues that were added to a sprint for the very first time (new issues) vs. issues that were carried over from previous sprints (carryover). It also shows the percentage of workload that is carryover, which is calculated as carryover workload divided by committed workload.
Sprint scope change
This chart displays the changes in scope after the sprint has started. It shows the scope added and the scope removed. This chart also shows the percentage of scope change, which is calculated as total change in scope divided by scope at the start of a sprint.
Workload per current assignee
This table displays the workload per assignee in a given sprint. Unassigned issues are excluded from this chart.
Measurement type per issue status category, cycle time, and lead time
This chart shows issues in To Do, In Progress, and Done status categories at the end of a sprint. It also shows lead times and cycle times for only completed issues.
Sprint details
This table shows details related to sprints including sprint name, status, start date, end date, sprint duration (in days), and sprint goal.
Details table
This table shows the following columns for the issues in the selected sprints:
Issue key: Issue key that’s hyperlinked to the issue in Jira Software. You can click on an issue key to go directly to that issue in Jira Software.
Total sprints: The number of sprints the issue is part of (it does not include sprints from which the issue has been removed). Use this metric to see issues that are getting carried over from one sprint to another.
Status category: Current status category of the issue
Days in status: Number of days in current status for issues that are not Done
Issue age (days): Age of issues that are not Done
Cycle time (days): Cycle time for issues that are Done
Lead time (days): Lead time for issues that are Done
Assignee: The person currently assigned to the issue
Issue type: The type of issues presented
Priority: The priority of the Jira issues
Summary: Jira issue summary
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