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"Content restrictions" dashboard template

This dashboard provides insights into the restricted content created within a Confluence instance. It allows you to access high-level information such as the total amount of restricted content compared to open content across various content types. Additionally, you can delve deeper into specific details on a space-by-space basis.

Controls on this dashboard

Use the following controls to configure the dashboard:

Content type

“Dropdown” control to filter for different content types (for example, page, blog post, database, and whiteboard).

Space name

“Dropdown” control to filter data from specific spaces.

Space type

“Dropdown” control to filter data from specific space types.

Content created date

“Calendar” control that filters the “Restricted content details” chart to show only content that was created in the selected period.

All charts except the “Restricted content” single value chart can be filtered by content type, space name, and space type.

Charts on the dashboard

Restricted content

Displays the number of restricted content within the Confluence instance.

Restricted vs. open content

Displays the number of restricted and open content.

Table chart showing number of content items that are open vs. restricted

Restricted content per space

Displays the count of restricted content per space.

Table chart showing number of restricted content items for 4 Confluence spaces

Restricted content by space type

Displays the distribution of restricted and open content based on the different space types.

Heat map chart showing number of open vs. restricted content items by global vs. personal space types

Restricted content by content type

Displays the distribution of restricted and open content based on the different content types.

Heat map chart showing number of open vs. restricted content items by page, blog post, database, and whiteboard

Restricted content details

Displays restricted content created in the selected time period along with details about the space in which it was created, content type, and creator.

Table chart showing metadata for 8 restricted content items

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