Dashboard layout
Get an overview of the dashboard layout and sidebar.
A dashboard is a place for you to display a collection of charts, controls, and other dashboard elements. You can create an unlimited number of dashboards and easily manage those dashboards from the Home page.
The dashboard layout makes it easy to find what you need to create the most effective dashboard.
It’s good practice to create separate dashboards for different topics that you’d like to track. For example, you may have separate dashboards for Growth, Revenue, Inventory, Engagement, etc.
Dashboard layout
Get an overview of the dashboard layout and sidebar.
Create or copy a dashboard
Reduce your work by creating a new dashboard or copying an existing one.
Archive, delete, or restore a dashboard
Archive or delete dashboards to clean up your workspace, and restore them if you change your mind.
Dashboard elements
Enhance your dashboards by adding dashboard elements.
Arrange elements on your dashboard
Use your mouse or keyboard shortcuts to rearrange charts and other dashboard elements.
Dashboard settings
See how to change a dashboard’s title, URL slug, and default settings.
Organize your dashboards
Use dashboard categories to keep your workspace organized.
Manage activity on your dashboard
Keep track of all the changes made to your dashboard.
Examples for cache duration
Refer to examples of how cache duration and the refresh settings work together to update your dashboard.
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