Arrange elements on your dashboard
You must have permission to edit or manage the dashboard to move rearrange the elements on it.
All dashboard elements have a draggable area that you can use to move the element.
Arrange a dashboard element
To move a single dashboard element elsewhere on the dashboard:
Hover over the dashboard element.
Select and hold the drag handler (). The drag handler may appear horizontal or vertical depending on the dashboard element. You’ll know you can move the element when the cursor changes to a four-way arrow Move cursor. Also note that you can drag line elements from anywhere.
Place the dashboard element in the desired location.
Release the drag handler.
Arrange multiple dashboard elements at once
You can also move multiple elements at once by doing either of the following methods:
Select and hold on an empty space on your dashboard, then drag the gray box that appears over the elements you’d like to select.
Hold down either Shift, Control, or Command (Mac), and select each element individually.
Use Command + A (Mac) or Control + A (non-Mac) to select all elements on a dashboard.
Selected elements will have a blue outline. Drag them as you would a single element to move all of them at once.
Resize a dashboard element
Select and drag from the bottom-right corner of a dashboard element to resize. You’ll know when you can resize the element when the cursor changes to a Resize cursor ().
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