How do organizations work for Atlassian Government?

Atlassian の組織によって、企業のユーザーと製品をひとまとめにできます。組織管理者は、従業員の Atlassian アカウントと自社製品を管理できます。


When you get access to products in your Atlassian Government environment, you can manage them from your organization. The products that can be part of your organization include Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence.

Illustration that demonstrates how an organization works for Atlassian Government environments

When you manage products from this central location, you have access to all administration settings and can view activities across your organization from the audit log.

組織のユーザー アカウントを管理する

Users aren’t tied to any one product, which means that you can give product product access to Atlassian accounts outside your organization, as log as the account is within the isolated boundary.

Users become tied to your organization when you can claim ownership of their accounts. When you do, they become your organization’s managed accounts, but can still access products outside your organization. How to verify a domain for your organization

You have full control over managed accounts, which includes the following activities:

  • メール アドレスと管理対象アカウント名を更新

  • 管理対象アカウントを削除または無効化

  • セッションのアイドル期間の更新

  • シングル サインオンを要求

  • ID プロバイダーからユーザーを同期

When you sync users from an external directory, your settings impact how those accounts log into your products, as shown in the illustration.

Illustration that demonstrates how users in an external directory sync to managed accounts


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