

Copy all spaces or project


Data that can be copied

❌ Data that can’t be copied


Third-party apps and app data

Jira product family data

✅ Advanced roadmaps

✅ Board and Sprint data

✅ Comments

Jira issues and Field content:
System and Custom fields

Media files:
Media attachments, Avatars, and Logos

Project configuration data:
Workflows, Global permissions, Schemes, Screens, Custom field configuration, Issue types, and Board configuration

✅ Portal-only accounts for Jira Service Management

✅ Users and groups

✅ Archived projects

✅ Trashed projects

Automation rules
Automation rules aren’t automatically copied into a sandbox, you can manually export and import automation rules.

Jira Service Management features powered by Opsgenie:
All content accessed through the Opsgenie URL, alerts and on-call schedules

Insight for Jira Service Management

Product access settings (you’ll need to add users to groups for permissions to apply)

Overview for Jira business projects

Views and insights for Jira Product Discovery

Confluence データ


Media files:
Media attachments, Avatars, and Logos

Space configuration data:
Space settings, Permissions, and User-created templates

✅ Users and groups

✅ Archived spaces

Private spaces

Product access settings (you’ll need to add users to groups for permissions to apply)





Data that can be copied

❌ Data that can’t be copied


Jira data

Users and groups:
From active and inactive directories, Jira Service Management users including agents (agents are copied in the inactive state to prevent security breaches)

Project types:

Archived projects (Restore them before copying), Jira Service Management projects and Team-managed projects

Issued data:
✅ Summary, Description, Issue type, Status, Priority, Resolution, Labels, Reporter, Assignee, Due date, and Subtasks

✅ Some custom fields: Text, Date, Number, Time, Labels, Select list (single choice), Checkbox, Radio button, and User picker (single, multiple)

✅ Group custom fields, Multi-line text, Environment), @mentions, Watchers and votes, Issue links (including link types), Attachments (media, files), Comments, Comments with security, Story points, Time spent, and Issue

Jira Software project data:
Issue rank, Epics (epic link, name, color, status, Issue rank), Original Estimate, Remaining Estimate, Flagged, Components, Environment, Sprints, and Versions (affects versions, fix versions)

Jira Software Boards:
✅ Boards linked to one project only,

✅ Boards: Name, Administrators, Filters and permissions, Share permission, and Location

✅ Advanced board settings: Column names and status mapping, Swimlanes, Time statistic/estimation, Quick filters, Card colors, and Subquery

Project setup:
✅ Workflow functions

✅ Validator: Required field, and Field changed

✅ Condition: User in group, User in project role, and Field value

✅ Post function: Update issue field

Users and groups:
❌ Jira Service Management users (only Jira Service Management agents are migrated)

❌ Users and groups from inactive directories (to migrate inactive directories, make them active before migrating)

User profiles:
❌ User avatars (users will need to update their avatars after migrating)

❌ Passwords (unless you've set up SSO, users will need to reset their passwords after migrating)

❌ Timezones (timezone information on a per-user profile will be lost)

Project types:
Jira Service Management projects, Team-managed projects, Archived projects (to migrate archived projects, restore them before migrating)

Jira Software Boards:
Boards linked to more than one project, and Shared permission

Project setup:
❌ Some custom fields: Single and multi-version picker, URL, Select list (cascading), Select list (multiple choice), Project picker), Custom field language translations

❌ Workflow functions

❌ Condition: Subtask blocking

❌ Post function: Clear field value, Copy value from other field, Delegating, Update issue custom field

❌ Notification schemes (projects are added to the default schemes in cloud)

❌ Project avatars, Links to issues or entities not migrated, Automation rules, Custom issue type icons

Entities and permissions:
Global permissions, General configuration (e.g., timezone, language), Dashboards, Filters on boards not migrated, Confluence links (links in destination site will continue to link to source site)

Confluence データ

Users and groups

Space types (if selected):
Active spaces, Personal spaces, Archived spaces

Confluence space data:
✅ Space details: Logo, Name, Key, Categories, Description, Sidebar settings, Content status settings, and Space permissions

✅ Look and feel: Themes, and Space templates

✅ Page layout: Header and footer, and PDF export customizations

✅ Pages & blogs (including archived items and items in the trash)

Page/blog data:
Title, Content (including history), Labels, Restrictions, Comments (including history), Attachments (including history), Likes, Page restrictions, Links are migrated, but some links in destination site will continue to link to source site, Page statuses, Stock Unsplash images in headers

Users and groups: Permission settings associated with groups will be lost during import

User profiles:
User avatars (users will need to update their avatars after data copy), Passwords (unless you've set up SSO, users will need to reset their passwords after data copy)

Apps and app data stored with the vendor (to copy app data, contact the respective Marketplace Partner), Team Calendars

Confluence space data:
Analytics data, Space shortcuts, Related pages settings, Whiteboards, Space icon (when attachment toggle is off)

Page or blog data:
Analytics data, Reactions, Custom uploaded images in headers, Custom page statuses, Custom emojis (page and in title), Public links (these will need to be newly generated)

Entities and permissions:
❌ Site level settings: Configuration (General configuration (e.g., timezone, language)

❌ Further configuration, Languages, Shortcut links, Global templates, and Code macro administration

❌ Security: Security configuration, Global permissions, Default space permissions

❌ Look and Feel: Themes, Colour scheme, Site logo and favicon, Header and footer, and Default space logo

❌ Administration: Audit log, Application links, and Application navigator

Confluence ユーザーとグループ:グループに関連付けられているすべての権限の設定(スペースまたはページ)は、インポート時に失われます。ただし、同じ名前のグループが移行先サイトにすでに存在する場合を除きます。グループの権限設定を維持するには、スペースをインポートする前に、すべてのグループで移行先サイトに同じ名前の対応するグループがすでに存在することをご確認ください。この確認は、最初にユーザーとグループをインポートしたあと、スペースをインポートすると簡単に実行できます。 


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