
新しいバックアップと復元のソリューションは、クローズド ベータ プログラムを通じて、Enterprise プランの限られた数のお客様にご利用いただけます。


データをバックアップまたは復元するときに、すべてのデータ タイプが含まれるわけではありません。次の表は、現在のサポート対象の製品データ タイプとサポート対象外の製品データ タイプの一覧です。

Data that can be copied

❌ Data that can’t be copied

Data included in backup and restore

Backing up and restoring Jira Product Discovery is not supported in the Atlassian Government environment

Jira data

Jira issues and field content:
 System, Custom fields

Board and Sprint data

Users and user group settings


Media files:
Media attachments, Avatars, and Logos (if selected)

Project configuration data:
Workflows, Global permissions, Schemes, Screens, Custom field configuration, Issue types, and Board configuration

Advanced Roadmaps

Jira Product Discovery

Automation rules

Third-party apps and app data

Jira Service Management features powered by Opsgenie:
All content accessed through the Opsgenie URL, as well as alerts and on-call schedules

Operations in Jira Service Management

Assets in Jira Service Management

Forms in Jira Service Management

Virtual service agent in Jira Service Management

Jira Product Discovery views

Confluence データ

Users and groups

Space types:
Active spaces, Personal spaces, and Archived spaces

Space details:
Space logo, Name, Key, Categories, and Description

Space data:
Sidebar settings, Content status settings, Space permissions, Look and feel, Pages & blogs

Page/blog data:
Title, Content (including history), Labels, Restrictions, Comments (including history), Attachments (including history), Likes, Page restrictions, Links, Default page statuses, Stock Unsplash images in headers

Entities and permissions:
✅ Site-level settings: Configuration, Security, Look and feel, and Administration

Users and groups permissions settings

Space data:
Analytics data, Space shortcuts, and Related pages settings



Page/blog data:
Analytics data, Reactions, Custom uploaded images in headers, Custom emojis (page and in title), and Public links (these will need to be newly generated)

User profiles:
User avatars (users will need to update their avatars after data copy), and Passwords

Team calendars, Apps and app data stored with the vendor (to copy app data, contact the respective Marketplace partner)


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