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Attribute types

Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets.

An attribute type determines what kind of information can be held in an attribute - text or number information, references to other objects, users or groups, projects, statuses, or links to a Bitbucket repository.

Attributes are divided into seven groups: Default, Object, User, Group, Project, Status, and Bitbucket repository.

Default attribute types

Contains a persistent value, such as a string of text, a number, or a URL. There are several subtypes:

An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

-- Matsuo Bashō

You can use the Assets rich editor to customise the content.

  • Select - contains one or more text values that can be selected as discrete options, such as Laptop, Keyboard, and Server.

  • IP Address - contains an IP address (IPv4), such as

Object attribute type

Contain a reference to another object. For more information, see References. The maximum or minimum number of objects contained in this attribute type can be configured. Learn more about cardinality. You can also filter the possible objects that can be linked here using AQL. Learn more about filtering the value of references using AQL.

User attribute type

Contains a link to a Jira user. Assets will automatically detect all Jira users that you have permission to view.

Group attribute type

Contains a link to a Jira group. Assets will automatically detect all Jira groups that you have permission to view.

Project attribute type

Contains a Jira project. Assets will automatically detect any project that your account has permission to access. Learn more about permissions.

Status attribute type

Contains a status. Statuses are selected from a combined list of global and object-schema-specific statuses. The selected statuses will appear as options for this attribute; if no statuses are selected the entire list will be available.

Bitbucket attribute type

Contains a link to a Bitbucket repository. Assets will automatically detect any repository your account has permission to access. Learn more about adding a Bitbucket repository to an attribute.

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