What are reports in team-managed service projects?
Reports are visual representations of data you can use to understand what's happening in your service project.
What are reports in team-managed service projects?
Reports are visual representations of data you can use to understand what's happening in your service project.
What are default reports in team-managed projects?
Learn how default reports can be used to measure common team-managed service project functions.
What are custom reports in team-managed projects?
Explore the set of custom reports to help you track specific team goals in your team-managed service project.
Create a custom report in team-managed service projects
How to create a new service project custom report.
Edit a custom report in team-managed service projects
Learn how to edit a service project custom report.
Export reports in team-managed service projects
Download and share your team-managed service project reports.
What is a report series in team-managed service projects?
Learn about the set of data points used to make service project reports.
Add reports to a dashboard in team-managed service projects
Keep up with multiple reports at once by adding them to your dashboard using gadgets.
Delete a report in team-managed service projects
If you no longer need a report you can remove it from your team-managed service project.
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