Edit and reorder issues on the timeline

Before you begin

In order to edit issues in your business project, you’ll need the edit issue permission.

Learn more about project permissions for your company-managed project

Learn more about project permissions for your team-managed project

View and edit issues in detail from the timeline

To view an issue in more detail, select its issue key on the left of the timeline. This appears as a string of letters and numbers. For example, ABC-123.

The issue view will open, where you can view its description, status, assignee, and other information in more detail. Learn more about editing issues

Reorder issues on the timeline

Select the issue name and drag it up or down to reorder it. If the issue has child issues, they’ll remain with their parent issue. Your changes will be reflected in the board and list views as well.

Add or adjust start and due dates on the timeline

To reschedule an issue, select the entire schedule bar and drag it forwards or backwards. If the issue has child issues, they’ll move with it.

To change the duration of an issue, select and drag the handles at either end of the schedule bar.

If your issue doesn’t have a start or due date yet, you can add the dates directly to the timeline. Hover your cursor over the timeline until you see the correct start date, then click to add a schedule bar.

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