How to manage approvers
This page refers to approvals, which is a feature for Jira Work Managementthat’s only available for:
Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise licenses
Jira Service Management Cloud Premium and Enterprise licenses
You can define preset approvers in your approval process. That means that when an issue reaches a status that triggers an approval, the preset approvers will be automatically added as approvers to that issue. You can always modify these approvers in the issue dialog later if you choose.
Manage approvers for a specific issue
If you would like to add or change approvers on a certain issue, then you can:
Select which issue you’d like to add more or different approvers to and open it up in the issue dialog.
Select Add approvers below the list of approvers to the right of the issue dialog.
Remove existing approvers
If you would like to remove approvers on a certain issue, then you can:
Select which issue you’d like to remove approvers from and open it up in the issue dialog.
Hover your cursor over the approvers you would like to remove from this issue, and select the trash icon .
Manage preset approvers
To manage the preset approvers in an approval step in your workflow, you can:
Select Project settings > Approvals.
Select the edit icon under Actions in the table and you’ll be taken to the approval configuration in the workflow editor.
Manage the preset approvers field by entering a name or removing an approver.
Select Save.
Select Update workflow at the top-right of the workflow editor to apply your approval and any changes to your workflow.
Once all of the approvers listed on the issue have signed off, the issue will be transitioned through to the approved transition. If one of the approvers decline, the issue will go through the decline transition.
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