What are approvals?
This page refers to approvals, which is a feature for Jira Work Management that’s only available for:
Team-managed projects
Jira Work Management Cloud Premium licenses
Jira Service Management Cloud Premium and Enterprise license
Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise licenses
Simplify your approval process using Jira Work Management instead of chasing people up via email or instant message. Having an approval process is a key component of effective governance and can play a critical role in helping teams and organizations achieve their goals while minimizing risk along the way.
Approvals in Jira Work Management are embedded into your project’s workflow to save you time following up with stakeholders. You can customize your approval process to have multiple approval steps to match how your team operates.
Here are some examples how approvals can be used:
A copywriter needs the legal team to sign off on content they have written for a new webpage for a marketing campaign.
A technical writer has written hardware documentation for their team’s product that a compliance team needs to approve.
An event coordinator is organizing a end of year party for their team, and needs to expense certain costs. Before they can expense these costs, they need approval from management for the budget.
A designer creates a new experience for the homepage of an app that is being developed. Before the software developers start their work on this, a design manager need to review and approve this work before it can move to the next status in the workflow.
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