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What is the Site optimizer?

This functionality is only available to customers using Enterprise editions of Jira Software.

The Site optimizer helps administrators at organization and site levels by providing insights into data health and actions to improve site stability and responsiveness.

To get started with the Site optimizer, select System from your global settings and then Site optimizer from the main menu on the left.

The processes described in this section are only possible with Jira administrator permissions.

Right now, administrators can manage three aspects of their site’s data health:

When you land on the home screen of the Site optimizer, you’ll see a snapshot of your data health, including:

  • the total number of issues, custom fields, and project role permissions in your site

  • our recommended ideal number based on performance data

    • This recommendation is not a hard limit and can be exceeded. However, we feel this number reflects where your site will begin to experience degraded performance.

  • your usage compared to the recommended number

Select one of the cards to dive deeper into that data type, and to use the clean up tools available as part of the Site optimizer.

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