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Manage priorities

You can view and manage all issue priorities on the Priorities page.

To see the list of priorities available in your Jira instance, select > Issues > Priorities.

Priorities page with label for name, description, icon, color, order, and actions
  1. The name of the priority: Identify your priorities with their names.

  2. The description of the priority: This is optional but we recommend that you give your priorities a unique description

  3. The icon of the priority: You can either select one of Jira’s icons or add your own image for the priority

  4. The color of the priority: This color will be used by the Projects Dashboard Gadget to display the percentage of issues with different priority types within your project.

  5. The order of the priority: This order is shown in the dropdown menu when a user creates or edits an issue.

  6. Actions for priorities: You can edit, delete, and make a priority a default.

Create a priority

You can customize priorities and associate them with projects in your Jira instance.

To create a priority:

  1. Select > Issues > Priorities

  2. Enter the name of your priority, which will appear when a user creates or edits an issue.

  3. Add a priority description (optional).

  4. Select an icon to represent this priority.

  5. Specify a color to represent this priority.
    Note: This color will be used by the Projects Dashboard Gadget to display the percentage of issues with different priority types within your project. You can either type the HTML color code or click the box at the right of the field to select from a color chart. Learn more about a priority’s color.

  6. Select Add to create a priority.

While the description won’t appear in the issue view, it is useful to provide more context or share additional details with other users that have permission to manage priorities.

The priority will be added to the default priority scheme that contains all priorities. You can change the scheme later and add it to another scheme.

Associate priorities with projects

To select a priority or a set of priorities for a project, you need to add them to a priority scheme, and then associate this scheme with a project. Learn more about priority schemes.

If you haven’t associated a project with a priority scheme, the project will use the default priority scheme.

Edit a priority

You can change details like color, name, and description of a priority. To edit a priority, select > Issues > Priorities, go to the priority you want to edit, and select Edit.

Delete a priority

You can delete priorities that are no longer in use for your Jira instance. To delete a priority, select > Issues > Priorities, go to the priority you want to delete, and select Delete.

You won’t be able to delete a priority if projects are associated with it. You’ll need to first remove the priority associated with projects, and then delete the priority.

Reorder priorities

You can change the order in which priorities appear in the dropdown menu when a user creates or edits an issue.

To reorder priorities:

  • Click the up arrow to move a priority higher up in the list.

  • Click the down arrow to move a priority lower down in the list.

Translate priorities

You can translate priorities into different languages. Learn more about translating priorities.


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