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Connect Azure DevOps to Jira

Connecting your Azure DevOps account to Jira Software allows your team to track their work in Jira as it ships through the deployment and development pipelines. You’ll get deployment, build, and development information in your team’s Jira issues, on your Jira board, on the deployments timeline, in the development dialog, and in the Releases feature. Read more about integrating deployments with Jira

To connect Azure DevOps for Jira, you need:

  1. Jira site administrator permissions.

  2. Access to an Azure DevOps organization.

Connect an Azure DevOps account to Jira

Install the Azure DevOps for Jira (Official) Marketplace app

  1. From your Jira project, go to Apps, then Explore more apps in the top navigation.

  2. Search for Azure DevOps for Jira. Select the version with "Official" in the title.

  3. Select Get app, then Get it now.

  4. Once the app has installed, select Configure now. You’ll then be prompted to connect your Azure DevOps account and organizations.

Connect your Azure DevOps account and organizations

To connect your Azure DevOps account, you must sign in to your Microsoft account and accept the requested permissions:

  1. From the configuration screen, select Continue.

  2. A new tab will open with the Microsoft sign in page. Enter your credentials to sign in to the Azure DevOps account you want to connect to Jira.

  3. Next, Microsoft will request your permission to send data to Jira. Select Accept.

Once your Azure DevOps account has been connected, you’ll see a list of available organizations to connect to Jira. Select Connect for any organizations you want to link.

If your Microsoft account has access to multiple Azure DevOps tenants, and you’ve connected using the wrong one, here’s how to switch to a different Azure DevOps tenant.

Enable OAuth in Azure DevOps

You must enable OAuth in an Azure DevOps organization before it can send data to Jira. If you connect an organization where OAuth has not yet been enabled, you’ll see a message in Jira that tells you OAuth needs to be enabled.

  1. Select Go to Azure DevOps.

  2. In your Azure DevOps organization settings, go to Security, then Policies.

  3. Under Application connection policies, use the toggle to turn on Third-party application access via OAuth and SSH authentication.

Set up a CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps

Sign in to your Azure DevOps account and create a pipeline. Azure DevOps for Jira will create a deployment event for each deployment job that runs via your pipeline. If there are other jobs triggered by your pipeline (for example, running tests or installing a module), Azure DevOps for Jira won’t treat these as deployment events. Read more about deployment jobs in Azure DevOps

Deployment events include the name of the environment your app was deployed to. To show environment details in your Jira issues, Jira needs to know whether the environment is a development, testing, staging, or production environment. Jira tries to guess which environment to map your deployment event to based on the environment name. For example, a deployment to an environment named dev would be considered a development environment.

If you use other environment names (for example, non-English environment names), Jira might show these as undefined environments. To resolve this, you can specify your custom environments by adding a file called .jira/config.yml to the main branch of your repository with the following content:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 deployments: environmentMapping: development: - "dev*" - "Entwicklung" - "desenvolvimento" - "дев" testing: - "testes" - "Test" - "TST-*" - "тест" staging: - "Pre-Prod" - "STG-*" - "staging" production: - "Produktion" - "produção" - "продакшн" - "PROD-*"

Using the above example, a deployment event to an environment named "STG-2" would show up as a deployment to a staging environment in Jira, while a deployment to an environment named "Produktion" would show up as a production environment in Jira.

You can specify up to 10 glob patterns for each of the four valid environments in Jira. Once you add this configuration file, Jira will not be able to automatically detect environment names, so you will need to specify patterns for all of your environment names.

To link your team’s development activity to Jira, you must include Jira issue keys in commit messages, branch names, and pull requests. Once a deployment has run on a linked branch, commit, or pull request, you’ll see deployment information in your Jira issues, on the board, and on the deployment timeline. Read more about referencing issues in your development work

The app will only link keys added directly within a pipeline’s repository. It will not recognize keys from other repositories.

To link to branches, commits, and pull requests made in Azure Repos, your team must include Jira issue keys in their development actions.

  1. Find the issue key for the Jira issue you want to link to, for example “JRA-123”. You can find the key in several places in Jira Software:

    1. On the board, issue keys appear at the bottom of a card.

    2. On the issue’s details, issue keys appear in the navigation at the top of the page.

  2. Check out a new branch in your repo, using the issue key in the branch name. For example, git checkout -b JRA-123-<branch-name>.

  3. When committing changes to your branch, use the issue key in your commit message to link those commits to the development panel in your Jira issue. For example, git commit -m "JRA-123 <summary of commit>".

  4. When you create a pull request, use the issue key in the pull request title or description.

After you push your branch, you’ll see development information in your Jira issue. Read more about referencing issues in your development work


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