Access your personal settings

Workspace settings

If you are looking for more information about your Workspace settings, see Workspace settings.

When you sign up for Bitbucket Cloud, you are also creating an Atlassian account, if you don't already have one. You'll then use your Atlassian account to log into Bitbucket and any other Atlassian cloud products you use. 

Access your Personal settings

To access your Personal settings in Bitbucket Cloud, select the Settings cog and select Personal Bitbucket settings from the profile menu.

Account settings


Account settings (for your Atlassian account settings)

Click the Atlassian account link under Personal settings to open the settings for your Atlassian account. From your Atlassian account pages, you can also update your account details, password, privacy settings, and email address (if your organization doesn't manage your account). Note: To change your avatar image, click on your avatar and follow the instructions provided.

Bitbucket profile settings (Bitbucket specific)

  • Username—Change your current username if you want a different username associated with your Bitbucket profile and settings. Changing your username only changes the URL for your Bitbucket profile and settings. See Update your username for more details.

  • Language—Select the language you want to read when using Bitbucket. The language you select may not be fully translated, so you could still see English in some places. Click translate Bitbucket to contribute to the Bitbucket copy that isn't currently translated for your language.

  • Website – Add the URL to your website.

  • Delete account—Click the link to permanently delete your repositories and all references to your account. See Delete an account for more details.

Click Update to save your changes.

Preferences (Bitbucket specific)

  • Enable keyboard shortcuts—Remove the checkmark if you don't want keyboard shortcuts to work in Bitbucket.

  • Enable console messages—Remove the checkmark if don't want to receive non-urgent messages from Bitbucket in your console.

Click Update to save your changes.



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