Integrate Trello boards in Bitbucket

This feature will be deprecated on June 8, 2022. Learn how to track work using the Jira integration or Trello app

A Trello board is a list of lists, filled with cards, used by you and your team. It’s a lot more than that, though. Trello has everything you need to organize projects of any size. To find out more about Trello prior to integrating it with Bitbucket Cloud, take the Trello tour.

Get going with Trello

To start using Trello boards in Bitbucket Cloud:

Get a Trello account

If you don't already have a Trello account, go to to create one. (We're assuming you already have a Bitbucket Cloud account.)

Connect to Trello boards in Bitbucket

  1. If you're a Bitbucket repository admin, connect to Trello boards for the repo by selecting Boards in the left navigation panel > then select Connect to Trello.

  2. Now you can either create a new board (see below), or add a board you've already created in Trello.

  3. Before your board can be connected to the repository, you also need to set the access users will have to your board.

    1. The first option is selected by default. Choose which level of access (write, admin, or read) you want to provide to other users who you invite to your board from the dropdown. See the 'Set team access to boards' section below for more info on how permissions work.

    2. Select the 'Do not let any Bitbucket users add themselves to this board' option to restrict access to your board until you invite individual users. Note: You will be able to invite individual team members from within the board. 

You can disable boards for a repo by selecting Settings on the left navigation panel > Settings under Trello > then select the Enable boards switch to disable Trello boards. In the Linked boards section, you can also unlink a board from the repository by selecting Unlink on the linked board.

Set team access to boards

To set access after you've connected your board to a repository, go to Settings for the repo, then Settings under Trello. Self-invite permissions correspond to the access permissions on the repo, so for example, people with WRITE access to the repo will only see the board if the board permissions are set to WRITE.

Create your first board

You can create your first Trello board directly from a Bitbucket Cloud repo (once boards have been enabled for the repo).

  1. In a Bitbucket repo, click Boards in the left-hand navigation panel, then Create a new board

  2. Give the new board a name, and choose the team (if any) you want to collaborate with.

Now you can create cards and lists in the board, without leaving Bitbucket. To add extra boards to a repo, create the board in Trello, then link it to the repo.

Check out Getting Started to get familiar with Trello. Once you're more familiar with the features and functionality of Trello, learn how to use Trello like a pro.

See your repo information on Trello cards

When you add a Trello board to a Bitbucket Cloud repo, your team can see repo information right on the cards in a board:

  • Branch, commit, and pull request updates.

  • The latest status for builds and pull requests.

You can also create a branch directly from a card.

Attach repo information to a card like this:

  1. Click on the front of a card and then the Bitbucket Power-Up.

  2. Choose an action from the dropdown.

When you attach a pull request or branch to a card, you'll see a green or red icon indicating the latest build status of that pull request or branch.


I just linked a board but the Power-Up isn't working


When you connect to an existing Trello board you can see the board in Bitbucket, but you don't see any repo information on the cards.



When you link Bitbucket to a board, Bitbucket attempts to install the Bitbucket Cloud Power-Up on the board. This will fail if the board already has the maximum number of allowed Power-Ups.

Actions you can take

  • You can upgrade your Trello account so you can have more Power-Ups per board.

  • You can remove an existing Power-Up from the board so that the Bitbucket Cloud Power-Up can be added.


When you try to join a board in Bitbucket you see a message like:

  • "Whoops! The invitation link for this board isn't valid anymore…"

  • "Unfortunately, this invitation link has been deactivated. Perhaps you could ask for a new one?"


Bitbucket maintains self-invite links that allow users to add themselves to a board, if they have sufficient repo permissions. If a board user unlinks the board, then later reconnects the board, the old self-invite links will no longer work.

This issue may also arise if your Web browser's privacy settings don't allow third-party cookies.

Actions you can take

If you're a repo admin:

  1. Go to Settings for the repo, then the Trello Settings page.

  2. Unlink the board for which the link has gone stale.

  3. Re-link the board and set the self-invite permissions.

If you're not a repo admin, ask a repo admin to do the above steps.

Enable third-party cookies on your Web browser.

I'm not seeing the boards I expect in Bitbucket


  • You're not seeing the boards you expect in Bitbucket.

  • You're seeing boards in Bitbucket that shouldn't be visible to the Trello account you're logged in with, for example in the Select board list.


Bitbucket first authenticates with Trello using the Trello account that you're currently logged into Trello with.

If you log out of Trello, then log back in later using a different Trello account, Bitbucket will still authenticate using the first Trello account, so you'll see the boards associated with that account.

Actions you can take

If you're a repo admin you can:

  1. Go to Settings for the repo, then the Trello Settings page.

  2. Click Disconnect.

This will revoke your current Trello authorization and require Bitbucket to reauthorize with Trello when you next try to view a board in Bitbucket.

If you're not a repo admin:

  1. Log out of Trello and log back in using the Trello account you originally used to connect with Bitbucket.

  2. Go to your Trello settings and find the 'Bitbucket' entry under 'Applications'.

  3. Click Revoke to remove the connection.

  4. Log out of Trello and log back in using the second Trello account.

You'll need to reauthorize when you next try to view a board in Bitbucket.

I can't see my repo integrations in a board in Bitbucket


You're not seeing information about commits, branches, pull requests and builds for a repo as you expect.


The Bitbucket Cloud Power-Up waits until you interact with it for the first time before attempting to authenticate and sync with Trello.

If you've never interacted with the Power-Up (such as by adding a commit to a card), then the authentication won't have happened, and links to the repo won't have been created. 

Actions you can take

You can link the board to a new repository manually, which will trigger the board to sync with Bitbucket:

  1. Go to the board menu and click Power-Ups.

  2. Find the Bitbucket Power-Up and click the 'cog' button.

  3. Click Edit Power-Up Settings.

  4. Click Add Repo and enter a repo name.

You can manually resync the board with Bitbucket:

  1. Go to the board menu and click Power-Ups.

  2. Find the Bitbucket Power-Up and click the 'cog' button.

  3. Click Edit Power-Up Settings.

  4. Click Sync with Bitbucket.


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