Set up your repositories

Need to set up a repository? Then you've come to the right place! Use this page to determine how to set up a repository based on your situation.

I have no existing files.

If you're starting from scratch and have no files, you can simply create a repository on Bitbucket Cloud and then clone it to your local system. This cloning action connects your remote Bitbucket repository to your specified local directory.

  1. Create a repository Learn how

  2. Clone a repository Learn how 

I have existing files on my local system.

If you've been working on a project on your local system, it's probably a good idea to put it into source control. Alternatively, you may already have it versioned using Git, but you now want to start collaborating with a few others.

Create a repository in Bitbucket and then connect your local directory to the remote repository. 

  1. Create a repository Learn how

  2. Get your code onto Bitbucket

    • Add unversioned code to a repository Learn how

    • Push versioned code to an empty repository Learn how 

I have existing files in a source control tool.

Bitbucket provides a tool for importing from certain source control tools. If your code is in a system Bitbucket can't import, you can convert it to Git before pushing the code to Bitbucket. Learn how

Connect a Bitbucket repository to your Jira project

If you are looking to connect a repository to a Jira project and utilize some of the features available like highlighting ‘stale’ pull requests, refer to Connect Bitbucket Cloud to Jira Software Cloud.

Still need help?

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