Use the Atlassian for VS Code extension

Atlassian for VS Code brings the functionality of Atlassian products to VS Code. This extension combines the power of Jira and Bitbucket to streamline the developer workflow within VS Code. With Atlassian for VS Code, you can create and view issues, start work on issues, create pull requests, do code reviews, start builds, get build statuses and more.

Atlassian for VS Code is published as an Atlassian Labs project. Although you may find unique and highly useful functionality in the Atlassian Labs apps, Atlassian takes no responsibility for your use of these apps.

Here is a basic list of the main features, but read the official changelog for the complete list of features and improvements:

Jira Issues

  • Tree views of your issues

  • Custom JQL filters for issues

  • Create and view issues

  • Assign, transition, and comment on issues

  • Hover over issue keys in code to view a quick issue view

  • Create issues from code comments

  • “Start Work on Issue” feature to help you get coding faster

Bitbucket Pull Requests

  • Filterable tree views of your pull requests

  • Create and view pull requests

  • Checkout, approve, merge and comment on pull requests

  • Comment on files inline within diff view

  • See related Jira issues in tree and detail views

Bitbucket Pipelines

  • Tree view of your pipelines builds

  • View build details including full build logs

  • Manually start pipelines builds

  • Notifications on build status changes

Bitbucket Issues

  • Tree views of your issues

  • Create and view issues

  • Assign, transition, and comment on issues

  • “Start Work on Issue” feature to help you get coding faster

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