Reauthorize Azure DevOps using a different tenant

The instructions on this page are for site admins trying to integrate Azure DevOps with Jira using the Azure DevOps for Jira app.

If you’ve set up your Azure DevOps integration but you’re not seeing the right organizations available to connect to Jira, you’ve likely set up your integration using the wrong Azure DevOps tenant. This can happen if your Microsoft account has access to multiple Azure DevOps tenants, and you had the wrong one selected in your Azure profile when you began connecting to Jira.

To fix this and get your integration up and running, you’ll need to re-authorize your account using the correct tenant. This is a three step process:

  1. Disconnect your organizations in Jira.

  2. Remove authorization for the old tenant in Azure DevOps.

  3. Re-authorize using the correct tenant.

Disconnect your organizations and switch account

  1. Go to your Azure DevOps for Jira configuration page by selecting Apps > Manage your apps.

  2. In your sidebar, under AZURE DEVOPS FOR JIRA, select Configure.

  3. Disconnect all your connected organizations using the more actions menu () in the Actions column of the table, and selecting Disconnect organization.

  4. Once all your organizations have been disconnected, select Switch account to connect a new organization.

Remove authorization for the old tenant and switch to the correct tenant

To prevent auto-authorization for the tenant you authorized when you first connected Azure DevOps for Jira, you’ll need to revoke authorization in Azure DevOps:

  1. Go to your Azure DevOps profile page.

  2. Select the tenant you previously authorized.

  3. Under Authorizations, select Manage authorizations.

  4. Select Revoke for Azure DevOps for Jira.

  5. Back in your Azure DevOps profile page, select the correct tenant from the dropdown under your name and email.

  6. Head back to Jira.

Reauthorize using the correct tenant

  1. Go to your Azure DevOps for Jira configuration page by selecting Apps > Manage your apps.

  2. In your sidebar, under AZURE DEVOPS FOR JIRA, select Configure.

  3. Follow the steps to authorize your Azure DevOps account again. This time, your desired organizations should be available to connect because you’ve selected the correct tenant.


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