Manage priority schemes

Once you're happy with the priorities available in your Jira instance, it's time to associate them with some projects. You can select a different set of priorities for each project by using priority schemes.

What’s a priority scheme?

A priority scheme allows you to associate a subset of priorities with particular projects. You can use it to achieve the following goals:

  • Restrict the set of available priorities for a project

  • Select a default priority that is assigned to all newly created issues in a project.

A single priority scheme can be reused across multiple projects so that a group of similar projects (i.e. projects which might be used for similar purposes) can share the same priorities. It's also easier to add or remove priorities for these projects because all you need to modify is a single priority scheme. 

Default priority scheme

Jira comes with a default priority scheme that contains all priorities and is associated with all projects until you change it. You can't edit this scheme, but you can associate it as you wish.

The default scheme is associated with all the priorities in a Jira instance, even if you associate priorities to other schemes.

To manage priorities, select > Issues > Priority schemes.

Priority schemes with labels for priority schemes, priorities, projects, and actions
  1. This is where you can find all priority schemes

  2. Priorities used by a scheme.

  3. A list of projects that use this set of priorities.

  4. Actions that you can perform on a scheme: Edit and Delete.

Create a priority scheme

You can create priority schemes to associate different priorities with different projects. For example, if you have priorities “highest”, “high”, “medium”, “low”, and “lowest” in a Jira instance, and you want to associate only “high” and “low” with Project A, you can create a priority scheme to do so.

To create a priority scheme:

  1. Select > Issues > Priority schemes.

  2. Select Add priority scheme.

  3. Enter the name and description (optional) for your scheme.
    Note: We recommend that you add a description to the scheme so that other admins can decide if they want to reuse this scheme instead of creating a new one.

  4. Select Add priorities to associate priorities to this scheme. Additionally, you can set a default priority for this scheme.

  5. Select Projects to associate projects to this scheme.

  6. Select Add priority scheme.

All issues is in the projects that you’ve associated with your scheme will use the default priority.

Edit a priority scheme procedure

After you’ve created a priority scheme, you can edit the priorities and projects associated with the priority scheme.

When you edit an existing scheme or associate a scheme with projects that were already using a different scheme, you may need to select new priorities. This is because some issues in projects currently use priorities that may not not be available in the scheme you’re editing.

Associate priorities with a priority scheme procedure

To edit priorities associated to a priority scheme:

  1. Select > Issues > Priority schemes.

  2. Select > Edit for the scheme you want to edit.

  3. You can:

    1. Select to remove a priority.

    2. Select Set as default to make the priority a default for the scheme.

    3. Select Add priorities to associate more priorities to the scheme.

  4. Select Save changes.

Associate projects with a priority scheme procedure

To associate a priority scheme with projects:

  1. Select > Issues > Priority schemes.

  2. Select > Edit for the scheme you want to edit.

  3. Go to Projects and select the projects you want to associate with your scheme.
    Note: If a project is already associated with another priority scheme, the project will now be associated with the new scheme. You may have to select new priorities for the issues in the project.

  4. Select Save changes.

To view the existing projects associated with the priority scheme, go to Projects and select Existing projects from the dropdown. You can de-select projects from here to remove them from the scheme.

If issues in the projects you’ve selected use priorities that are not available in the scheme, you’ll have to select new priorities to replace the current ones.

Delete a priority scheme procedure

Before you delete a priority scheme, note:

  • You can't edit, or delete the default priority scheme.

  • You can't delete a priority scheme if it’s associated with projects. To view projects associated with a scheme, go to the priority scheme > :three-dots: > Projects, and select Existing projects from the dropdown. You’ll need to remove these projects and then proceed with delete.

To delete a priority scheme:

  1. Select > Issues > Priority schemes..

  2. Select > Delete for the scheme you want to edit.

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