Add, edit, and delete a field configuration
Configure the default field configuration to best meet the needs of your team.
A field configuration lets you define the behavior of all issue fields, including custom fields, that are available in your Jira applications. For each field, a field configuration lets you set:
The description that appears under the field when an issue is edited
Whether the field is hidden or visible
Whether the field is required or optional
Which renderer to use for text fields
To configure the layout of the new Jira issue view—which fields appear and the order they appear in—open an issue and choose Configure at the bottom-right. Learn how to configure field layout in the issue view.
Add, edit, and delete a field configuration
Configure the default field configuration to best meet the needs of your team.
Associate field behavior with an issue type
Define the behaviour of issue types with field configuration schemes in Jira Cloud.
Change a field configuration
Learn how you can change field configurations in Jira Cloud.
Specify field behavior
Explore how you can specify and modify a field behavior in Jira Cloud.
Configure renderers
Explore how you can configure renderers in Jira Cloud.
What are issue field configuration schemes?
Issue field configuration schemes let you apply a field configuration to all issues of a certain type.
Add, edit, and delete a field configuration scheme
Explore how you can add, copy, edit, and delete issue field configuration schemes in Jira Cloud.
Configure a field configuration scheme
Use field configuration schemes to associate field configurations with issue types in Jira Cloud.
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