Import data from Bitbucket
Before you begin
Users data is not exported to Jira. However if the user already exists in Jira (and has a licence for Jira) they will remain assigned to the issue when it is imported.
The Jira project which issues will be imported in to is generated automatically and can found by inspecting the db-jira-cloud.json in the exported zip file.
Issue history is not imported into Jira
Attachments on the issue or on comments will only be exported if the repository and issue tracker are both public
In Bitbucket, go to Projects and choose a project.
Choose a repository > Repository settings > and choose Import and export under Issues.
Click Start export. This generates a zip file containing all your Jira issues data.
Extract the zip file and retrieve the db-jira-cloud.json file
Once you've completed the above, head over to Importing data from JSON and follow the procedure outlined there.
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