We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Custom fields types in company-managed projects

These are the types of fields you can customize to capture different types of information on your company-managed project's work types. Learn more about creating a custom field, adding a custom field to a screen, and editing or deleting a custom field in company-managed projects.

Standard custom field types

The following fields are most commonly used in Jira projects:


Screenshot of checkbox fields

Checkboxes fields allow people to select multiple options for a list to complete the field. Checkbox fields help with data entry by reducing entry errors that could appear in free-form text fields, for example. They also increase correct completions by limiting the options a person has to complete the field.

Date picker

Screenshot of date picker

Date picker fields allow people to provide date information using a calendar selection to complete the field. People can also complete the field by typing dates into the field.

Date time picker

Screenshot of date time picker

Like date picker fields, date time picker fields allow people to provide time of day information using a calendar and dropdown time selector to complete the field. Time fields have two input areas: one to specify the date, and one to specify the time.


screenshot of labels

Label fields allow people to tag work items with reusable text snippets entered as free form text. Jira suggests existing labels to help reduce entry errors. People can also create new labels by typing into the label field.

Number field

screenshot of number field

Number fields allow people to provide numerical information as free-form text. A single line text box allows people to complete the field with a number. People can safely enter numbers between -1 trillion and 1 trillion (100,000,000,000,000).

Keep in mind:

  • Jira rounds decimals to the nearest 1000th place. For example, 5.555555 will be rounded to 5.556. 

  • People can enter large numbers using scientific notation. For example, the number 5,000 can be entered as 5e3.

Radio Buttons

screenshot of radio buttons

Radio buttons allow people to select a single option from a list to complete the field. Radio buttons help with data entry by reducing entry errors that could appear in free-form text fields, for example. They also increase correct completions by limiting the options a person has to complete the field.

Select list (cascading)

Cascading select fields allow people to narrow their selection list by branching select fields into parents and children options. People select an option from the parent dropdown list and are presented with that options sub-list to select from. Cascading select fields help categorize options in a select list and reduce the number of choices needed to complete the field correctly.

Select list (multiple choices)

screenshot of select multiple options list

Multi-select fields allow people to select multiple options from a dropdown list to complete the field.

Select list (single choice)

screenshot of select a single option list

Single-select fields allow people to select a single option from a dropdown list to complete the field.

Paragraph (supports rich text)

screenshotof a rich text paragraph

A multiline text field that can store longer lengths of text. People use these fields to add detailed context to help their team resolve the work item. Supports rich text like links to URLs; bold, italicized, underlined, and colored text; and all other Atlassian editor features.

Short text (plain text only)

screenshot of a short plain text box

A single line of plain text for short lengths of text (up to 255 characters). People typically use the Short text field to add context, sort and search for work items, or report information to the team. For rich text, use the Paragraph custom field.

URL Field

screenshot of a URL field

URL fields ensure that people enter valid web addresses to complete the field.

User Picker (single user)

screenshot of a single user picker

Start searching for a user in the field and select that user from the dropdown menu.

Advanced custom field types

The following field types can be helpful in specific situations, but they are relatively uncommon in most Jira setups.


Links assets to a work item

Date of first response 

The date of the first comment on a work item by anyone other than the reporter

Days since last comment

Date/time since last comment (restricted comments are considered on a per user basis). This field is not searchable or sortable.

Domain of assignee

The domain name of the assignee

Domain of reporter

The domain name of the reporter

Global rank

Global rank field for Jira use only

Group picker (multiple groups)

Choose multiple user groups using a popup picker window

Group picker (single group)

Choose a user group using a popup picker window

Last commented by a User Flag

Displays true if the last commenter is not a Jira developer (jira-developers group member).

Last public comment date

Date/time of last public comment (restricted comments are ignored). This field is searchable and sortable.

Message Custom Field (for edit)

A custom field whose default value will be displayed as HTML or as rendered wiki markup in OnDemand on an 'Edit' screen.

Message Custom Field (for view)

A custom field whose default value will be displayed as HTML or as rendered wiki markup in OnDemand on the 'View' screen.

Number of attachments

A custom field that stores the number of attachments for a work item.

Number of comments

A custom field that stores the number of comments for a work item.

Parent link

No description.

Participants of a work item

Displays reporter, current assignee, and all commenters of the work item

Project picker (single project)

Choose from projects that the user can view in the system.


Associate work items to a specific team.

Text field (read only)

A read-only text label. Only possible to create values programmatically (Used internally for imports from Mantis). Maximum of 255 characters.

Time in status

Store statistics about the amount of time/times a work item has spent/been in its statuses. This field generates the Average Number of Times Spent In Status and Average Time Spent In Status charts.

User Picker (multiple users)

Choose multiple users from the user base via a popup picker window

User Property Field (<255 characters)

Choose multiple users from the user base via a popup picker window.

Name of last updater or commenter

Display the name of the last updater or commenter depending on which happened most recently.

Version Picker (multiple versions)

Choose from available versions in the project.

Version Picker (single version)

Choose a single version from available versions in the project.

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