Configure the look and feel of Jira applications
As a Jira administrator, you can customize the look and feel of your Jira applications to match your company's environment.
Change your logo
The logo appears in the top left corner of every Jira application page. The height of the logo image must be constrained to 30 pixels. We also recommend you use an image with a width of 57 pixels.
Choose > System.
Under USER INTERFACE, select Look and feel.
In the Logo section, upload the image for the logo you want to use for your Jira site. You can also upload from a URL beginning with
Show your site title
If enabled, your site name will appear next to your logo.
Choose > System.
Under USER INTERFACE, select Look and feel.
In the Title section, select the Show on dashboard checkbox to make your instance name appears in the navigation.
Change the favicon
The favicon appears typically to the left of your browser's URL field, and on browser tabs displaying a page on your Jira site. To upload a favicon, make sure it's in PNG format, with dimensions of 32x32 pixels, 71x71 DPI, and with 8-bit color depth.
Choose > System.
Under USER INTERFACE, select Look and feel.
In the Favicon section, upload the image for the favicon for your Jira site or upload from a URL beginning with '
' or 'https://
Change your Jira site's colors
You can use any of the color options to change the color of a gadget's frame on the Jira dashboard.
Choose > System.
Under USER INTERFACE, select Look and feel.
Under the Navigation colors section, select the option you want to change, change the color, and then click Update.
Not all colors will be compatible with dark theme, so you may need to revert any changes if they don’t look right.
Undo changes to your Jira site’s colors
If you need to revert the changes to the top navigation bar, a site admin will need to:
Choose > System.
Under USER INTERFACE, select Look and feel.
Find the section titled Navigation colors.
Select Revert to undo any changes to your Jira site’s colors.
Change date and time formats
These settings don’t apply to the issue view, issue create, list view, edit sprint, board settings, and issue search experiences. To format their dates and times, go to your language preferences.
You customize the way times and dates are presented to users throughout the Jira user interface. When specifying dates and times, they should be based on the Java SimpleDateFormat.
Choose > System.
Under USER INTERFACE, select Look and feel.
In the Date / time formats section, click the value of the element you want to configure, then update the value as necessary.
Issue date/time fields show a relative instead of absolute date/time format. For example, "Yesterday" would appear instead of "20 May 2013 12:00 PM". You can still see the absolute date/time by hovering over the field. The date/time format reverts to absolute after a week.
Here are some further examples of US date/time configurations:
Preferred Date/Time | Value of the | Value of the |
2010-10-15 08:50 | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm | %Y-%m-%d %H:%M (see ISO 8601 format) |
15/Oct/10 8:50 AM |
10/15/10 08:50 AM |
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