Jira ワークフローとは
すべての Jira プロジェクトには課題が含まれ、チームはこの課題を表示し、作業を行い、作成から完了までの各作業段階をトランジションさせます。課題がたどるこのようなパスはワークフローと呼ばれます。それぞれの Jira ワークフローは、課題がそのライフサイクルの間に移動する一連のステータスとトランジションから構成されて、通常は組織内の作業工程を表します。
In addition, Jira uses workflow schemes to define the relationship between issue types and workflows. Workflow schemes are associated with a project, and make it possible to use a different workflow for different combinations of project and issue types. If you need to edit or create a more advanced workflow to match how your team or organization works, you can log in as a Jira administrator with global permission to access and create your workflow. To keep things simple, use the default workflows that come with the project type you select in Jira. You can always modify or create new workflows later.
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Project admins can create, edit, or delete project workflows in team-managed projects. You can start off by using the default workflows that come with the template that you selected when you created a project. You can always modify or create new workflows later. You can have multiple workflows in each project through assigning issue types' their own workflow.
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