A field configuration defines the behavior of all fields available in your Jira installation, including Jira's own 'fixed'/'built in' fields (known as 'system' fields) and custom fields.
the description that appears under the field when an issue is edited
whether the field is hidden or visible
whether the field is required (i.e. the field will be validated to ensure it has been given a value) or optional
(for text fields only) which renderer to use
For all of the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the Administer Jira global permission.
1 つ以上の Jira プロジェクトとそれらの課題タイプで使用するフィールドに関してフィールド動作を定義する場合、基本的にはまず 1 つ以上の新しいフィールド設定を追加します (以下を参照)。その後で、新しいフィールド設定で個別のフィールドの動作の変更を行います。
A new field configuration should be added for each project and issue type combination which requires specific fields to be present and/or fields that express unique behavior. You can then associate each new field configuration with a different issue type through a field configuration scheme. A field configuration scheme can then be associated with one or more projects.
A scheme can then be associated with one or more projects, allowing you to control fields on a per project, per issue type basis. See Associating field behavior with issue types for more information.
When Jira is installed, the Default Field Configuration is created automatically. All new projects are associated with this configuration. This configuration is also used for projects that are not associated with a field configuration scheme.
It is not possible to edit or delete the Default Field Configuration.
Select > Issues.
Under FIELDS, select Field Configurations to view all your field configurations.
Click the Add Field Configuration button to open the Add Field Configuration dialog box.
Complete the Add Field Configuration dialog box:
Name — enter a short phrase that best describes your new field configuration.
Description (optional but recommended) — enter a sentence or two to describe when this field configuration should be used.
Click the Add button to add your new field configuration to Jira. Once you have added your new field configuration, you can then begin modifying the behavior of its fields (below). You will be taken directly to the View Field Configuration page, where you can modify the behavior of fields in your new field configuration. See Modifying field behavior (from step 4) below for details.
See Associating field behavior with issue types for more information.
The Edit link allows you to change the Name and Description of the field configuration, not of individual fields. If you wish to change individual fields, see Modifying field behavior (below).
Select > Issues.
Under FIELDS, select Field Configurations to view all your field configurations.
Click the Edit link next to the field configuration you wish to edit.
On the Edit Field Configuration page, edit the field configuration's Name and Description.
You can only delete a field configuration that is not associated with a field configuration scheme. The Delete link will not be available for field configurations which are associated with one or more field configuration schemes.
Select > Issues.
Under FIELDS, select Field Configurations to view all your field configurations.
Click the Delete link next to the field configuration you wish to delete.
Select > Issues.
Under FIELDS, select Field Configurations to view all your field configurations.
Click the Copy link next to the field configuration you wish to copy.
On the Copy Field Configuration page, specify the Name and Description for the field configuration to be copied.
Select > Issues.
Under FIELDS, select Field Configurations to view all your field configurations.
Locate the field configuration of interest and click the Configure link to open the View Field Configuration page, which lists all system and custom fields in your Jira installation for that field configuration.
In the Actions column, you can perform the following actions for any field:
Edit — change the field's description (i.e. help text).
Hide/Show — hide the field from view or show it.
Required/Optional — set a field to be required (so that whenever a field is edited it must be given a value) or optional.
Renderers — change a field's renderer (see Configuring renderers for more information).
Select > Issues.
Under FIELDS, select Field Configurations to view all your field configurations.
Locate the field configuration of interest and click the Edit.
Click the Update button to save your changes.
フィールドの説明は任意です。フィールド設定のフィールドの説明を空のままにすると、フィールドは元のカスタム フィールドの説明を継承し、変更は元の説明に反映されます。特に必要がない限り、フィールドに新しい説明を設定しないことをお勧めします。
組織またはプロジェクトが特定のフィールドを利用しない場合、非表示にすることができます。フィールドを非表示にすると、そのフィールド設定が適用されているすべての画面 (課題操作画面、ワークフロー トランジション画面など) に対象のフィールドが表示されなくなります。
Hiding a field in the field configuration is distinct from not adding a field to a screen. Fields hidden through the field configuration will be hidden in all applicable screens, regardless of whether or not they have been added to the screen.
For fields that have a default value: If the field is hidden in the field configuration, then it will not receive a value when an issue is created, regardless of whether the field is present on the Create Issue screen(s). (The following fields can have a default value: resolution, status, priority, issue type, security level, and custom fields.)
The fields Summary and Issue Type cannot be hidden and as such there is no Hide option available for these fields.
If you hide the Fix Version/s field, the Change Log report will not work.
Jira サイトでいずれかまたはすべての画面でフィールドを表示または非表示にするには次の手順を利用します。
上記の最初の 3 つのステップ (「フィールドの動作を指定する」セクション) に従って、表示または非表示にするフィールドのフィールド設定にアクセスします。
If you no longer want to expose a field through Jira's user interface, click the Hide link associated with that field. You can make this field visible again at any time by clicking the Show link.
If you want to show a field (which is currently hidden) through Jira's user interface, click the Show link associated with that field. You can hide this field again at any time by clicking the Hide link.
組織内の特定のフィールドは課題に必須であるかもしれません。このような場合、フィールドを必須に設定できます。これにより、Jira は課題が編集されるたびにフィールドに値が渡されたことを検証します。必須フィールドに値が渡されなかった場合、Jira はフィールドに値が必要なことをユーザーに知らせるエラーを返します。
上記の最初の 3 つのステップ (「フィールドの動作を指定する」セクション) に従って、必須または任意にするフィールドのフィールド設定にアクセスします。フィールド設定を表示すると、必須フィールドの名前の横に必須である説明が表示されます。
To make a field mandatory when used through Jira's user interface, click the Required link associated with that field. The text Required appears next to the field's name. Hidden fields cannot be set as required.
To make a field optional, click the Optional link associated with that field. The Required text next to the field's name disappears.
If you make a field Required, ensure that the field is present on your Create Issue screen(s):
Note that you can have different field configurations for different projects and issue types (see Associating field behavior with issue types), so you need to ensure that all Required fields are present on the Create Issue screens for all associated projects and issue types (see Associating screen and issue operation mappings with an issue type).
1 つのトランジションにのみフィールドを必須にする機能のリクエスト (JRA-5783) があります。よろしければ、その課題の最新ステータスをご確認ください。
Before you change the renderer for a specific field, please read Configuring renderers, paying particular attention to the Implications for Jira operations section.
Select > Issues.
Under FIELDS, select Field Configurations to view all your field configurations.
Locate the field configuration of interest and click Renderers. This will take you to a page where you will have the option to select a renderer from all configured and available renderers.
Choose the renderer you wish to use and click Update.
When viewing a field configuration (see above), the Name column indicates which renderers are currently enabled for all renderable fields, with the current renderer shown in brackets immediately below its field name.
Changing the renderer only affects how a Jira field's content is displayed or how a user interacts with a multi-select field — it does not affect the issue data that exists in the system. Hence, you can therefore toggle between renderer types safely.