View your pipeline
As soon as you want to turn your code from static files in a repository, into something you perform actions with, you'll want to start using the Pipelines section of Bitbucket. From here you can see the status of your pipeline, get detailed log information from its run, and a variety of other useful data.
Access Pipeline history view
Pipeline status bar (with ability to rerun)
Log view area
Expanding your log screen
1. Pipeline history view
Your pipeline history and each pipelines' status can always be accessed in the Pipelines section. First you'll see your pipelines history view, which has all sorts of useful details:
You can filter this view by clicking on a branch name.
Then, once you click on a specific pipeline, you'll be taken to the pipeline result view (see the picture at the top of the page).
2. Pipeline status
At the top of your pipeline result view, you can immediately see the status of your pipeline. Possible statuses are:
Pending - we are setting up your build containers, getting ready to start
In progress - your pipeline is currently running
Stopped - either manually, or due to a system event
Paused - your deployment pipeline is currently paused because another pipeline is deploying
Successful - everything went well!
Successful - all automatic steps have ran successfully but there is a manual step still waiting
Failed - a step within your pipeline failed
Error - an error with your pipeline (for example a misconfigured bitbucket-pipelines.yml file)
System error - something on our end went wrong (sorry!)
While your pipeline is running you'll be able to see steps currently running and, once it's finished, the page remains as a record that you can look back on at any time.
Rerun a pipeline or step
If a pipeline fails, you have the option to rerun the whole pipeline, or any failed steps, by clicking Rerun.
Rerun failed steps run only the failed steps again and update the existing pipeline log with details of the rerun.
Rerun entire pipeline will trigger a new pipeline and corresponding log.
You can check the total amount of build minutes consumed by a step by hovering over the step duration. In the example image below, the first run took 6 seconds, and the second run took 5 seconds, so the build minutes used in total by that step is 11 seconds.
Keep in mind that build artifacts are only kept for 14 days, so steps that consume artifacts can only be rerun within that time.
If you want to check how many build minutes you've used across all of your builds, select your Avatar, select a workspace > Settings > Plan details.
3. Log view
Clicking on a step shows you its logs, in the log view on the right hand side. By default you'll be shown the build logs of the last step that ran, but depending on your configuration you might also have tabs for any services you've added, test reports, or artifacts.
There are expandable sections for each command within your step, so you can see more details.
If you’ve opted to rerun failed steps for a particular pipeline, you can view details of each rerun by making a selection from the Runs dropdown in a pipeline log.
4. Customizing your view
If you need more screen space to view your logs, you can use the expand icon in the bottom right corner. As with other Atlassian products, it's also possible to collapse the left-hand navigation bar.
What's next?
Now you've seen how you can work with your pipelines, you can learn how to set up your pipelines by editing the bitbucket-pipelines.yml
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