View your notifications
Bitbucket displays notifications collected from activity or actions taken on a pull request. If your Bitbucket workspace is linked to Jira or Confluence, you'll also see notifications from your Jira and Confluence applications.
Looking to manage your notification email messages instead? See Manage email notifications for watched objects
Open and display notifications
To see your notifications, select the Notifications (bell-shaped) icon on the top navigation bar.
At this time, Bitbucket notifications are not listed in the Watching tab.
Which notifications are included?
Notifications are added to the notifications center when someone does one of the following on a pull request:
Comments on a pull request
Requests changes on a pull request
Approves a pull request
Merges a pull request
Rejects a pull request
Adds a reviewer to the pull request
Mentions you on a pull request
Mentions you in a comment on a pull request
Nudges a reviewer on a pull request (if ‘nudge’ is enabled)
The notifications center does not show notifications triggered because you're watching a pull request. Product notifications cannot be disabled but can be filtered to only show you what remains unread.
The notification appears as ‘read’ if you've already viewed the page or blog post.
Only show relevant notifications
You can use the Only show unread feature to easily filter relevant notifications from the noise.
To do this:
Select the notification bell icon in the top nav bar to open the notification center.
Select the Only show unread button so that it is switched on (green).
To hide a single notification from view, select the blue dot on the right side of the notification. This marks the notification as "read" and because Only show unread is active, the now "read" notification will be hidden.
To clear all your unread notifications, select Mark all as read.
Notifications aren't deleted, so nothing is ever lost.
If you want to see hidden notifications later:
Select the notification bell icon in the top nav bar to open the notification center.
Select the Only show unread button so that it is switched off (gray). All notification, read or unread, will now appear in the notification center.
To unhide a notification, simply select Mark as unread and it will stay displaying in your list once you switch Only show unread back on.
Notifications are automatically removed from the list after 30 days. Older notifications can still be found in your email.
Enable or disable in-product notifications
Select the Settings cog on the top navigation bar, then select Personal Bitbucket settings.
Click Notifications under General on the left sidebar.
Depending on your current setting, select Enable in-product notifications or Disable in-product notifications.
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