Bitbucket Cloud apps overview
Learn how to install, remove, and create your own app using the developer guide.
In addition to our product integrations, third-party vendors on the Atlassian Marketplace also create their own integrations. We've made it easy to add and use them right from Bitbucket.
Take a look through this section to find out what we offer.
Bitbucket Cloud apps overview
Learn how to install, remove, and create your own app using the developer guide.
Integrate Bitbucket Cloud with Slack
Keep your team up to date with things, like if that pull request got approved, when the build finished, and much more.
Integrate Trello boards in Bitbucket
Trello has everything you need to organize projects of any size.
Integrate another application through OAuth
Integrate an application by adding the OAuth consumer to the account.
Install Cloud IDE add-ons
Code in the cloud, with integrated IDE's right from your Bitbucket Cloud repository.
Integrate your build system with Bitbucket Cloud
Add a script after the last step of your build that updates your commits. See an example Python script here.
Hyperlink to source code in Bitbucket
Integrators can hyperlink from error reports to a specific line of code by basing the linking on the proper information.
Enable Bitbucket Cloud development mode
Install apps from unknown sources by URL.
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