Upgrade to Atlassian account
The integration of an Atlassian account with all your Atlassian cloud services is currently in progress, which means that your Bitbucket account will soon be upgraded to Atlassian account. When it is complete, you'll be able to log in to Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence, and Slack with one set of credentials. You can also use your Atlassian account to log in to Sourcetree and our support and billing systems.
The upgrade process asks you to verify your primary Bitbucket email address. This should be quick and painless, and then it’s back to Bitbucket business as usual!
Frequently asked questions
Can I change my email address during the upgrade process?
Yes. The upgrade process creates a new Atlassian account (or joins an existing Atlassian account) that matches your primary Bitbucket email address. If you don’t have access to that email account, or if you’d like to choose a different email address, you can change it during the upgrade process and create/join a different Atlassian account.
Can I still log in to Bitbucket with my username and password?
No. From this point forward, use your Atlassian account email address and password to log in to Bitbucket.
Can I still use two-step verification?
Yes. Bitbucket two-step verification will continue to work as usual.
Can I still use Google auth to log in?
Yes. You can use a Google account to log in, provided that it matches your Atlassian account email address.
Can I still log in using a secondary email address?
No. Once your Bitbucket account is joined with your Atlassian account, you can no longer log in with your secondary email addresses.
You can still use secondary email addresses for Git attribution.
If I'm not getting the validation email, are there email domains or addresses I should add to the allowlist?
To make sure you receive the appropriate emails, add the following domains and addresses to an allowlist:
Will this affect logging into Bitbucket from Sourcetree, etc.?
Probably not. You’ll continue logging into Sourcetree using your Bitbucket username and password. Depending on whether you already have an Atlassian account when you upgrade, you may need to update your password.
Is my personal Bitbucket account merging with my work Jira account?
If you already have an Atlassian account with the same email address as your Bitbucket account, we'll try to join your existing account with Bitbucket. At that point, your Atlassian account will be linked to Bitbucket.
If you already have an Atlassian account you use at work and don't want to link it to a personal Bitbucket account, you can click Try a different email when asked to confirm your Atlassian account in the Confirm Atlassian account dialog.
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