Markup comments
You can refer to a Bitbucket Cloud issues, requests, and users directly from a comment, issue, or commit message. When you create a reference, saving the comment or issue causes Bitbucket to automatically link to that object. You can also mention an individual or workspace account, and even insert an emoji.
For items that are repository-specific, such as issues, pull requests, and commits, references to Bitbucket objects always refer to the current repository. For example, when commenting on a pull request in repoAlpha you can't link to an issue in repoBeta.
If you want to add special formatting such as headings and code references, you can use any supported Markdown syntax in any comment.
A short peek at Markdown in action
Markdown syntax allows you to create some fancy comments. You can type Markdown by hand or use the comments bar.
We support the following extensions for Python-Markdown: codehilite, tables, def_list, del, footnotes, headerid, sane_lists, abbr, fenced_code, toc, wikilinks.
We don't support arbitrary HTML in Markdown, for example <table> tags.
Linking to Bitbucket Objects from Comments and Commit Messages
Syntax : issue #number
Links to a given issue. Supports the following arguments:
Argument | Description | Required? |
number | The issue number | Yes |
You can also close or reopen issues by including specific keywords in your commit messages, for information about Resolve issues automatically when users push code.
issue #88
Results in the following output:
issue #88
Pull request
Syntax : pull request #number
Links to a given pull request. Supports the following arguments:
Argument | Description | Required? |
number | The request number | Yes |
pull request #1541
Results in the following output:
pull request #1541
Links to the given changeset. The system links any changeset hash automatically also. Supports the following arguments:
Argument | Description | Required? |
hashvalue | A changeset hash. | Yes |
Account or Email
Syntax: @accountname or @emailaddress
Links to the profile of the given accountname. Supports the following arguments:
Argument | Description | Required? |
accountname or emailaddress | The name of the individual or user account. Alternatively, you can supply an email address | Yes |
Syntax: :emoji:
Displays the given emoji. We don't have a definitive list of supported emoji; you'll need to just test the emoji you want to use. One of our users, David Coffey, created a list of available emojis.
This syntax supports the following arguments:
Argument | Description | Required? |
emoji | The name of the emoji. | Yes |
Finally, if you have created a link to Jira or another service such as Jenkins, you can enter references for those "linkers" too. For information on creating and using linkers, see Link to a web service.
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