Hyperlink to source code in Bitbucket
Typical stack traces often contain file path and line number, but rarely know about Bitbucket accounts, repositories, or Git commits. Products need to negotiate this outside of the run-time context so they can go from run-time error back to the source code. This usually meant lining up stack traces, exception reports, or log messages to local copies of source code, with the hope that the local copy is at the same revision as production.
How hyperlinking helps solve this problem
Now integrators can hyperlink from error reports to a specific line of code in Bitbucket. The trick is to base your linking on the right information: account, repository, commit, file path, and line number.
How to select multiple lines of code and hyperlink them
Mac users
In the source file, to select multiple lines of code hold shift or command and click row numbers you want to select. then you can copy the browser URL and share it.
In the source file, to select multiple lines of code hold shift or CTRL and click row numbers you want to select, then you copy the browser URL and share it. to unselect lines, hold command/ctrl and click row numbers that are already selected.
Source view URL
URI Template for src
{+bitbucket}{/owner, repository_name}/src{/commitish}{/filepath}{?fileviewer}{#fileline}
Key | Required | Description | Example value |
| Yes | The base URL for Bitbucket Cloud. |
| Yes | The account owner the repository that contains the target file. |
| Yes | The name of the repository that contains the target file. Also known as the repo slug. |
| Yes | The ref (branch or tag) or commit SHA for the state of the target file. Note: Forward slashes are not supported in branch names. |
| Yes | The path within the repository and the name of the target file. |
| No: optional | The file viewer for the target file. If not provided, Bitbucket will append the default file viewer to the URL. |
| No: optional | The target file name plus the line number, separated by a dash. Without the fileline segment, the URL simply navigates to the target file. |
Example URL for src
How to obtain the owner, repository name, and commit
Since this metadata is not available with most stack traces, it needs to be negotiated with specific knowledge of Bitbucket. Here are some options:
Extract the metadata during build-time. For example, let's consider building a Java project with Bamboo. Bamboo exposes the Bitbucket repository URL and revision as environment variables. Parsing the URL will reveal the owner and repository name. All 3 can be written into the
before packaging into the JAR.Correlate Bitbucket web hooks for push events with artifact deployment events.
Require naming conventions.
Ask for it.
About the file viewer
When using a file viewer for linking stack traces we recommend using Bitbucket's default file viewer.
Bitbucket provides, as add-ons, a number of file viewers which can be useful for files that are not source code: like graphics, videos, or 3D models. However, most products that do production monitoring don't own the format of the underlying source code. Moreover, using a custom file viewer will require that any user who clicks the link has that file viewer installed.
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