Global options

The options section of the bitbucket-pipelines.yml can set several global options for all of the repository’s pipelines, such as the maximum run time for steps and the resources allocated to a Pipelines Docker container. Other options can be set globally but have dedicated sections in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml, such as Git clone options, Docker image options, and Cache and Service container options.

Global options for pipelines

The following global options are configured with the options property:


Contains global settings that apply to all your pipelines.


Required — No

Data type — Block of new-line separated key-value pairs (YAML spec - Block Mapping)

Allowed parent properties — The YAML root (options can only be a top-level property)

Allowed child properties — Requires one or more of the max-time, docker, size, and runtime properties.

Example — using the options option to set global options for the pipeline

options: max-time: 30 docker: true size: 2x pipelines: default: - step: name: Hello world example script: - echo "Hello, World!"


The global docker option adds a Docker service to all steps in the pipeline. This Docker service can be used to run Docker commands within any pipeline step. For information on using Docker in a Bitbucket Pipeline see Run Docker commands in Bitbucket Pipelines.


Required — No

Data type — Boolean

Allowed valuestrue or false

Default valuefalse

Allowed parent propertiesoptions

Example — using docker to enable Docker commands on all pipeline steps

options: docker: true pipelines: default: - step: name: Hello world example script: - docker version - docker run hello-world

Example — using services to enable Docker commands on a single step

pipelines: default: - step: script: - docker version - docker run hello-world services: - docker

Max time

The max-time option sets the maximum length of time a step can run before timing out (in minutes). The max-time option can be set using both the global options property and on individual pipeline steps. The default maximum time for pipeline steps is 120 minutes.


Required — No

Data type — Integer

Allowed values — A positive integer between 1 and 720

Default value120

Allowed parent propertiesoptions and step

Example — using the max-time option to set the maximum time allowed for each step in a pipeline

options: max-time: 30 pipelines: default: - step: name: Sleeping step script: - sleep 120m # This step will timeout after 30 minutes

Example — using the max-time option to set the maximum time allowed for an individual step

options: max-time: 60 pipelines: default: - step: name: Sleeping step script: - sleep 120m # This step will timeout after 60 minutes - step: name: quick step max-time: 5 script: - sleep 120m # This step will timeout after 5 minutes


The size option allocates additional resources to a step or a whole pipeline, when running on Bitbucket Cloud infrastructure or Linux Docker self-hosted runners.

This option has no effect on shell-based runners, such as Windows PowerShell, macOS shell, and Linux shell runners, which use all available resources on on the host machine.

By default, a step running on Bitbucket Cloud infrastructure or a Linux Docker self-hosted runner has access to 4GB of memory, 4 CPUs (which might be shared with other tasks), and 64 GB of disk space per step for mounting volumes.

By specifying a size of 2x, your step or pipeline will have double the memory available. Note that the memory allocated is shared by both the script in the step and any services on the step.

Choosing a size option above 4x also grants additional CPU resources and disk space. A step assigned a size of 4x or greater is guaranteed dedicated access to the relevant number of CPUs and more disk space for mounting volumes.

4x steps use four times the number of build minutes of 1x steps, 2x steps use twice the number of build minutes of 1x steps, and so on. Note: Increasing your build minutes may result in an increase in your current costs for pipelines builds.

Resource allocation based on size




Volume size






















Required — No

Data type — String

Allowed values — Either:

  • 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x or 16x for pipeline steps run on Bitbucket Cloud.

  • 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x or 16x for pipeline steps run on a self-hosted pipeline runner.

4x, 8x and 16x pipelines size options are only available for builds running on a paid Bitbucket Cloud plan (Standard or Premium).

Default value1x

Allowed parent propertiesoptions and step

Example — using the size option to increase the memory available to all pipeline steps

options: size: 2x pipelines: default: - step: script: - echo "2x memory is probably not needed for an echo command"

Example — using the size option to increase the memory available to a pipeline step

pipelines: default: - step: size: 2x script: - echo "This step gets double the memory!"


The runtime configuration to be applied to the step.


Required — No

Data type — Block of new-line separated key-value pairs (YAML spec - Block Mapping)

Allowed parent propertiesoptions and step

Allowed child propertiescloud (required)

Example - using the runtime to enable atlassian-ip-ranges for all 4x, 8x, 16x steps, and arm for all steps

options: runtime: cloud: atlassian-ip-ranges: true arch: arm pipelines: default: - step: size: 4x script: - echo "I use atlassian-ip-ranges"

Example - using the runtime to enable atlassian-ip-ranges and arm for a particular step

pipelines: default: - step: size: 4x runtime: cloud: atlassian-ip-ranges: true arch: arm script: - echo "I use atlassian-ip-ranges"


Cloud runtime configuration

The runtime configuration to be applied to cloud steps.


Required — No

Data type — Block of new-line separated key-value pairs (YAML spec - Block Mapping)

Allowed parent propertiesruntime

Allowed child propertiesatlassian-ip-ranges (optional), arch(optional)

Atlassian IP ranges for cloud runtime configuration

This option indicates whether to use the default aws-ip-ranges or the atlassian-ip-ranges when executing your step for ingress/egress traffic.


Required — No

Data type — Boolean

Allowed valuestrue or false

Default valuefalse

Allowed parent propertiescloud

Architecture for cloud runtime configuration

This option controls what architecture to use when executing your step


Required — No

Data type — String

Allowed valuesarm or x86

Default valuex86

Allowed parent propertiescloud

arm options are only available for builds running on a Standard or Premium Bitbucket Cloud plan.

Export - Bitbucket Premium only

Specify if you want to share pipeline definitions to other repositories within the same workspace.


Required — No

Data type — Boolean

Allowed valuestrue or false

Default valuefalse

Allowed parent properties — The YAML root (export can only be a top-level property)

Example — using the export option to export pipelines under definitions section

export: true definitions: caches: services: pipelines: export-pipeline: - step: script: - echo hello pipelines default: - step: script: - echo hello

Check out the Share Pipelines configuration help document for more information.


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