Check build status in a pull request
If you use Bitbucket Pipelines or you've integrated with another build system, you can trigger a build to run when any user makes a commit to the repository. That way, you won't have to open your build system to see if a build passed or failed. You'll have the build statuses for each commit right in the pull request:
if all builds for that commit passed
if no builds for that commit failed and at least one build is in progress
if at least one build for that commit failed
Viewing build statuses in pull requests
On the pull request under Commits, you'll see build statuses for each commit in the Builds column.
Check build statuses in the Builds panel on the right sidebar. You can also click on the associated link to go to the actual build.
If you have not opted in to the new pull request experience:
From the Overview tab, you'll see the build status for the most recent commit. Click the builds link to see details of each build with links to the build page.
From the Commits tab, you'll see build statuses for each commit in the Builds column.
Build status - Premium plan users
If your workspace has a Premium plan, repository admins can prevent pull requests from merging based on build status. If you have this restriction, you'll see these Merge checklist options when you try to merge:
At least {#} successful builds on last commit—You can't merge because the pull request doesn't have that number of successful builds for the most recent commit.
No failed builds on last commit—You can't merge because the pull request has failed builds for the most recent commit.
To find out more about the Merge checklist options, see Merge a pull request.
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