What is the calendar view?
Learn about what the calendar view is.
'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.
Browse documentation about how to use and manage your work’s due dates using the calendar.
What is the calendar view?
Learn about what the calendar view is.
Create and edit issues and subtasks on the calendar
Discover how to create and edit issues in the calendar view in Jira.
Delete an issue from the calendar
See how to delete issues from your business project.
Manage and view your calendar
Understand how to view the status of issues by their color and filter the calendar.
Schedule items in your calendar
Schedule a due date for your items by using the calendar in your business project.
Show software releases in a business team calendar
Get a clearer picture of your software team’s progress with a view of their release dates in your business teams' calendar.
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