Export search results

Export search results

After performing a search, you can export your search results to another format like:

  • Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft Excel

  • CSV

  • Google Sheets

  • XML

  • Form data

Microsoft Word

To export to Word:

  1. Select Export () at the top-right.

  2. Select Export Word.

The export will include the Description, Comments, and all other issue data, not just the issue fields that are currently configured in your Issue Navigator.

We don’t recommend that you perform an export on a large number of issues (example: hundreds of issues).

Microsoft Excel

To export issues to a Microsoft Excel file or open them in Excel Online:

  1. Select the Open in Microsoft Excel icon above the search results

  2. Choose either:

    1. Excel on desktop

    2. Excel Online

If you use Excel Online, the issues will open in a new spreadsheet in your browser. If you're a desktop user, you'll get an Excel file to download.

If you’ve downloaded your search results as a CSV file, we recommend that you don’t upload the file to Microsoft Excel as this might be a security risk.


To export all fields or currently visible fields as a CSV (comma-separated values) file:

  1. Select Export (ICON) at the top-right.

  2. Select either:

    • Export Excel CSV (all fields)

    • Export Excel CSV (current fields)

    • If you're using a filter:

      • Export Excel CSV (filter fields)

When you export search results as a CSV file, we recommend that you don’t upload the file to apps like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel as the file may execute macros. These macros might be a security risk.

To open your search results in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, use the icons “Open in Microsoft Excel“ or “Open in Google Sheets“ above the search results.

Google Sheets

To open issues in Google Sheets:

  1. Select the Open in Google Sheets icon above the search results

  2. Log in and authorize Google Sheets to access your Jira data if you haven't done so already

The issues will open in a new spreadsheet in your browser.

If you’ve downloaded your search results as a CSV file, we recommend that you don’t upload the file to Google Sheets as this might be a security risk.


To export to XML:

  1. Select Export (ICON) at the top-right.

  2. Select Export XML.

You can use the URL of the XML view in a Confluence Jira issues macro. However, you can also use the JQL or the URL of the issue search, which are easier to get.

To restrict which issue fields are returned in the XML export, specify the field parameter in your URL. For example, to include only the Issue key and Summary, add &field=key&field=summary to the URL. If field parameters are not specified, the XML output will include all issue fields. If one or more field parameters are specified, the XML output will contain only the Issue key plus your chosen fields.

XML export field parameters

<title>[TEST-4] This is a test</title>

This is a 'permalink' to the issue. For links between issues, see * issuelinks * (below).

project (or pid)
<project id="10330" key="TST">Test</project>
<description>This is a detailed description of the issue.<description>
<environment>Sydney network<environment>
<key id="22574">TEST-4</key>
<summary>This is a test<summary>
type (or issuetype)
<type id="3" iconUrl="https://extranet.atlassian.com:443/jira/images/icons/task.gif">Task</type>
<parent id="22620">TEST-5</parent>

Only relevant if the issue is a sub-task.

<priority id="4" iconUrl="https://extranet.atlassian.com:443/jira/images/icons/priority_minor.gif">Minor<priority>
<status id="5" iconUrl="https://extranet.atlassian.com:443/jira/images/icons/status_resolved.gif">Resolved</status>
<resolution id="1">Fixed</resolution>
<labels> <label>focus</label> <labels>
<assignee username="jsmith">John Smith</assignee>
<assignee username="jsmith">John Smith</assignee>
<security id="10021">Private</security>

Only relevant if a security level has been applied to the issue.

<created>Mon, 1 Sep 2008 17:30:03 -0500 (CDT)>/created>
<updated>Mon, 1 Sep 2008 17:30:03 -0500 (CDT)>/updated>
resolved (or resolutiondate)
<resolved>Mon, 1 Sep 2008 17:30:03 -0500 (CDT)>/resolved>
due (or duedate)
<due>Mon, 1 Sep 2008 17:30:03 -0500 (CDT)>/due>
version (or versions)
fixfor (or fixVersions)
component (or components)
comments (or comment)
<comments> <comment id="39270" author="jsmith" created="Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:45:02 -0600 (CST)">this looks familiar</comment> <comment id="39273" author="jbrown" created="Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:48:16 -0600 (CST)">to me too</comment> </comments>
attachments (or attachment)
<attachments> <attachment id="30318" name="Issue Navigator - Atlassian JIRA-2.png" size="16161" author="yoz" created="Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:32:58 -0600 (CST)"/> <attachment id="30323" name="Windows XP (with Firefox 3.0).jpg" size="5802" author="vbharara" created="Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:30:11 -0600 (CST)"/> </attachments>

Only available if your administrator has enabled attachments.

<timeoriginalestimate seconds="600">10 minutes</timeoriginalestimate>

Only available if your administrator has time tracking enabled.

<timeestimate seconds="300">5 minutes</timeestimate>

Only available if your administrator has time tracking enabled.

<timespent seconds="300">5 minutes</timespent>

Only available if your administrator has time tracking enabled.

<aggregatetimeoriginalestimate seconds="36000">10 hours</aggregatetimeoriginalestimate>

Aggregate time for the issue plus all of its sub-tasks. Only available if your administrator has time tracking enabled.

<aggregatetimeremainingestimate seconds="18000">5 hours</aggregatetimeremainingestimate>

Aggregate time for the issue plus all of its sub-tasks. Only available if your administrator has time tracking enabled.

<aggregatetimespent seconds="18000">5 hours</aggregatetimespent>

Aggregate time for the issue plus all of its sub-tasks. Only available if your administrator has time tracking enabled.

<timeoriginalestimate seconds="600">10 minutes</timeoriginalestimate> <timeestimate seconds="300">5 minutes</timeestimate> <timespent seconds="300">5 minutes</timespent> <aggregatetimeoriginalestimate seconds="36000">10 hours</aggregatetimeoriginalestimate> <aggregatetimeremainingestimate seconds="18000">5 hours</aggregatetimeremainingestimate> <aggregatetimespent seconds="18000">5 hours</aggregatetimespent>

This is a convenient shorthand way of specifying all of the above six time tracking fields. Only available if your administrator has time tracking enabled.

<issuelinks> <issuelinktype id="10020"> <name>Duplicate</name> <inwardlinks description="is duplicated by"> <issuelink> <issuekey id="22477">INTSYS-1009</issuekey> </issuelink> </inwardlinks> </issuelinktype> </issuelinks>
subtasks (or subtask)
<subtasks> <subtask id="22623">TEST-8</subtask> </subtasks>
<customfields> <customfield id="customfield_10112" key="com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select"> <customfieldname>Department</customfieldname> <customfieldvalues> <customfieldvalue>Adminstration</customfieldvalue> </customfieldvalues> </customfield> </customfields>

"xxxxx" is the id of a given custom field e.g. this output is the result of specifying &field=customfield_10112

<customfields> <customfield id="customfield_10112" key="com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select"> <customfieldname>Department</customfieldname> <customfieldvalues> <customfieldvalue>Adminstration</customfieldvalue> </customfieldvalues> </customfield> <customfield id="customfield_10111" key="com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select"> <customfieldname>Expenditure Type</customfieldname> <customfieldvalues> <customfieldvalue>Operating</customfieldvalue> </customfieldvalues> </customfield> </customfields>

Form data

To export form data:

  1. Select Export () at the top-right.

  2. Select Export XLSX (form data).

  3. Select the project that contains the form you want to see data for.

  4. Select a form.

  5. Select Export.

The XLSX file will include all of the responses from your selected form attached to issues from your search. Your file will also include the values of any Jira fields you selected as columns.

Issues from your search that don’t have the selected form attached will not be included in the export. Learn more about forms in Jira Service Management.

You can quickly search for and print your issues in Jira to populate physical task boards and set visual reminders for tasks to be completed, boosting the overall team’s performance and efficiency in tracking work. You can opt to choose your search results as a PDF or on your drive as well.

To print your search results:

  1. Select Export () at the top-right.

  2. Select Print list or Print details

Print list will let you navigate through your search results easily, while Print details will give you a more detailed view of your issues.

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