We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

View and edit project role permissions

You can use project roles to easily associate people and groups with a particular project. For example, you may want to send notifications to a specific set of people associated with your project, and by adding them all to a project role, you can then use that project role to control who receives the notifications. You can also use project roles to restrict how much access certain users or groups have. Unlike groups, which have the same membership throughout your application, project roles have specific members for each project. 

This page contains instructions for managing membership of existing project roles. For information on creating and using project roles, see Managing project roles.

Viewing and editing project role members

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Project settings > People. In a team-managed service project, select Service project settings > People.

  2. You'll see all the people and groups associated with each project role. 

  3. To add people or groups to a project, select Add people. Enter the users or groups and select the project role(s) you wish to add them to. 

People and groups can be part of more than one role. In the Role column, use the dropdown to select and unselect the roles a person or groups is assigned.

To remove a person or group from a project, select Remove.

Since group membership can only be edited by users with the Administer Jira global permission, project administrators may prefer to assign users, rather than groups, to their project roles.


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