Search for and filter issues

Creating issues is important, but you need to be able to find and manage the work the issues represent. In this step, we'll find out how to use different search techniques to find issues, share search results, and report on issues.

Create some more issues 

Before you start, you're going to need a few more issues. Create a few more issues in your project using the sample data below.

  • Issue Type = Task and Summary = Brainstorm new designs

  • Issue Type = Task and Summary = Approve new t-shirt design

  • Issue Type = Task, Summary = Send mockup to printers and Assignee = kate

Want to create issues in bulk?

If you're familiar with the CSV format, you can create a CSV file to import issues in bulk. This can be handy if you're handling a lot of data.

You can find issues easily using the search and filter function on the board.

  1. Go to Board in the project sidebar.

  2. Enter a search term or use one of the filters to show only the work you're interested in.

Search for issues 

For more complex searches across multiple projects, use the issue search function. In this example, we'll search for all unresolved issues assigned to you. 

  1. Select Filters and click a filter or choose Advanced issue search.

  2. Set Assignee to "Current User" at the top of the search page
    The search results refresh when you select new criteria.

  3. Choose More > Resolution and check "Unresolved".

The search results will show the issues that are unresolved and assigned to you.

alt="search and filter your issues in advanced issue search"


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