We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Search for an existing or shared dashboard

You can search for shared dashboards and find out who they’re shared with.

  1. Choose the Jira icon ( or ) > Dashboards.

  2. Click > Find dashboard.

  3. Enter your search criteria into the search field.

Each shared dashboard indicates its:

  • Current owner. This is originally the user who created the shared dashboard.

  • List of shares applied to the shared dashboard by its owner.

Jira looks for exact matches to the search terms you enter in the search field. You can use different operators to help you find wildcard or fuzzy matches to your search queries. For example:

  • Use the fuzzy search operator to help find dashboards that might contain misspellings: dashboard~

  • Use the wildcard search operator to help find dashboards that begin with a phrase: dash*

Read more about search syntax in text fields.

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