Find recent issues
Find recent issues, learn about quick search and use commands to easily find issues.
'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.
Find recent issues
Find recent issues, learn about quick search and use commands to easily find issues.
Find specific issues
Find specific issues and troubleshoot when searching for issues.
Search for issues in a project
Search for issues in company-managed or team-managed projects.
Search for issues using the text field
Perform powerful searches by learning the syntax for text fields, their grouping, Boolean operators and more.
Navigate to your work
Use the navigation bar to get to your work faster.
Use Atlassian Intelligence to search for issues
Learn how to use Atlassian Intelligence to search for issues.
What is the new Jira issue search experience?
Learn more about the new Jira issue search experience.
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