We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Change the view of search results

When you run a search, you may want to triage the entire list of issues, or you may be looking for just one. Either way, you can change the way issues look in search results and modify the issues that appear.

You can switch between two views:

  • List view

  • Detail view

List view

The list view shows your search results as a list of issues. This view is easiest to scan and is best when you only need to know a few details about each issue.

In the list view, you can log work, update the status, attach files, comment, move, clone, delete and perform other actions on individual issues from search results in a project, without opening them.

Detail view

The detail view shows your search results as a list of issues, with the right panel showing the details of the currently selected issue. This view is best when you need more information about the individual issues, or you want to quickly edit issues as you go (via inline edit for certain fields).In the list view, you can log work, update the status, attach files, comment, move, clone, delete and perform other actions on individual issues from search results in a project, without opening them.

To change the view of your search results:

  • Select the Change view button (  or ) on the top-right to switch between List view and Detail view for your search results from View all issues

  • Select List view or Detail view to change the way your search results look in a project.

Change the sort order

If you’re in list view, you can click the column name to sort your issues. If you select the same column name more than once, the sort order will switch between ascending and descending.


  • You can't sort by the Images column or the subtask aggregate columns (all columns beginning with '∑').

  • If you sort the search results for an advanced search, an ORDER BY clause is added/updated to your JQL query to reflect the order of issues in your search results.

If you’re in detail view, select Order by to sort your issues in ascending or descending order.

Configure fields as columns

You can create different column configurations for yourself and for specific filters.

This action is only available in list view. If you’re in detail view, you have to first switch to list view.

Jira has the following column configurations:

  • My Defaults: This is your default column configuration for search results.

  • Filter: This is enabled if you are viewing the search results for a filter. It will override your default column configuration.

  • System (shows only if you are a Jira administrator): This is the column configuration that applies to all users. It will be overridden by a user's default column configuration and filter-specific column configurations.

Show or hide columns

To switch between different column configurations, select Configure columns and select one of the tabs: My Defaults, Filter, or System (shows only if you are a Jira administrator).

You can also modify any of these configurations.

To show or hide fields as columns:

  1. Select Columns > My defaultsFilter, or System.

  2. Scroll to find the fields you'd like to add or remove, or type a field name into the Search field (scrolling may not show all field names. Type a field name into the Search field if you don't see it).

  3. Check or uncheck fields to show or hide them.

The number of fields you can configure as columns is 500. We recommend that you only add the most important ones to your view. If you want see more than 500 fields as columns, you can export your issues.

You can change the order your fields are shown in the list view. To reorder your fields as columns, simply drag and drop the column to your preferred position.

Configure columns for search results in a project

Customize your view to see your most important fields in the list view when searching for issues in a project.

To configure fields as columns:

  1. From your project’s sidebar, select Issues.

  2. Select Configure columns.

  3. Select the fields you want to see along with your issues.

You can change the order your fields are shown in the list view. To reorder your fields as columns, simply drag and drop the column to your preferred position.

Move columns

You can also move a column by dragging it to the desired position once you've added a field as a column.

If you can't find a column, it may be due to one of the following restrictions:

  • You can only see columns for issue fields that haven't been hidden and that you have permission to see.

  • Some custom fields, even if selected, don't appear in the issue navigator for all issues. For example, project-specific custom fields will be shown only if the filter has been restricted to the relevant project. Issue type custom fields will only appear if the filter has been restricted to the relevant issue type.

Resize your columns in the list view

To resize columns in the issue navigator list view, go to the issue navigator by selecting Issues in the project sidebar. Alternatively, select Filters in the main navigation, then select View all issues.

From the list view, drag the right border of a column to resize it. Alternatively, select the More actions () menu on a table header, then select Resize column.

Define a filter-specific column order

You can add a defined column order to a saved filter, which displays the filter results according to the saved column order. Otherwise, the results are displayed according to your personal column order (if you have set this) or the system default.

To display your configured column order in a filter subscription, select HTML for the Outgoing email format in your profile. If you receive text emails from Jira, you won't be able to see your configured column order.

To add a column layout to a saved filter:

  1. Locate the filter you wish to update.

  2. Select the filter's name to display the results. Be sure you are viewing the filter in the List view, so you see the columns.

  3. Configure the column order as desired by clicking on the column name and dragging it to the new position. Your changes are saved and will be displayed the next time you view this filter.

To remove a filter's saved column layout:

  1. Locate the filter you wish to update.

  2. Select the filter's name to display the results. Be sure you are viewing the filter in the List view, so you see the columns.

  3. Select Configure columns > Restore defaults.

Export column-ordered issues

When using a filter, select Export issues to export the fields within the filter in different formats. For instance, when the results of a saved filter are exported to Excel, the column order and choice of columns are those that were saved with the filter. Even if a user has configured a personal column order for the results on the screen, the saved configuration is used for the Excel export. To export using your own configuration, save a copy of the filter along with your configuration, and then export the results to Excel.

When not using a filter, select Export issues to export your default fields in different formats.

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