We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Add, edit, or delete a shortcut

You can add shortcuts to the project sidebar that link to information you think your team may find useful. When you add a link, it's available to all users who can access the project.

To add, delete or edit a link, you need to have the Jira Administrator permission or the Project Administrator permission. When adding or editing a link you also need to have the full web address, and you can optionally give it a label that will show in the project navigation sidebar. Labeling the shortcuts makes it easier to identify where the link will take you.

Add a shortcut

  1. Choose Projects and select a starred or recent project, or choose View all projects and select a project.

  2. Select Shortcuts in the project navigation sidebar.

  3. Enter the web address and name for your shortcut and select Add shortcut.

You must enter a valid web address that is recognized by Jira. These must be prefixed with a valid scheme (or URI scheme).

Valid schemes (or URI schemes) for shortcuts are:

http://, https://, mailto:, skype:, callto:, facetime:, git:, irc:, irc6:, news:, nntp:, feed:, cvs:, svn:, mvn:, ssh:, itms:, notes:, smb:, hipchat:


Dialog for adding a shortcut with URL address and name fields.

Edit or delete a shortcut

  1. Select Shortcuts in the project navigation sidebar.

  2. Click the edit icon to the right of the shortcut you want to edit.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • Edit the link details and select Save.

    • Select Remove shortcut.

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